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What impact is the war against Israel having on tourism in Budapest?

I got asked this question in a PM, but it’s important enough to deserve a post. The short answer is so far no impact including change in the feeling of general safety. As always, it is a remarkably safe city. Violent crime is almost unheard of. Never heard of a pickpocket either, but i presume there are a few.

There was a pro-Palestinian protest planned for 13 October, but they could not get a permit. In the words of the PM of Hungary: “Hungary Will Not Allow Sympathy Protests for Terrorists”. Have there been smaller protests? Not that I have heard of or seen. Currently the Hungarian government is 100% in support of Israel's right to defend itself (which does leave them a lot of wiggle room based on what is going on).

Budapest has about 100,000 Jews and maybe half of that number is orthodox so they are very recognizable around town. No problems that I have heard of.

Budapest has about 30,000 Muslims and all but a very few entered the country with legal visas for education or employment. Budapest has almost no middle eastern refugees (the number may actually be 0). No problems that I have heard of.

The Universities do not seem to have the vocal pro-Palestinian student and administration that many U.S. Universities have been demonstrated to have.

The biggest disappointment in the way the Hungarians are dealing with things is that so little is being said. But there are several Israeli and Ukrainian flags in windows around town.

But I also recognize that terrorist can come out of left field with no warning, and they look for soft targets. But that is true around the world. I suspect you are safer from terrorism here than in France or Belgium where things have already gotten ugly.

Posted by
6485 posts

Thanks for posting this, Mister É. People have a lot of questions about traveling right now.

Posted by
19773 posts

Periscope, yes, with lots of caveats. Why dont you post the question if you really want to know, as it is off this topic.

Posted by
353 posts

I must be missing some understanding about context and history, because I don't understand the nature of the question: what impact is the war against Israel having on tourism in Budapest. To me, one might as well also ask what is the impact of war against Israel having on tourism in London.

I don't see the great connection between Budapest and Israel, outside of the context of the fact that we are all globally interconnected. But beyond something that general, why would war in Israel have any devastating or dangerous or touristically significant impact on Budapest versus other equally faraway European city?

Posted by
19773 posts

To me, one might as well also ask what is the impact of war against
Israel having on tourism in London.

I agree. But the question was asked. But come to think, if the pro Palestine protests or the attacks on Jews in London, Paris and Brussels makes a person nervous, it's gòod to know it's not here ... yet. No stupid questions, just stupid ... you know ...

Periscope this is not an appropriate subject for a sales pitch. Now, if you want to discuss the most beautiful city in all of Europe ... that's a different issue. Budapest of course. You should visit, I'll find you the perfect accommodation.

Posted by
19773 posts

Perisvope, A lot more than two. All depends on what you want. Budget on a back street to roof top with a jacuzzi. One of the benefits of the forum is I have researched dozens for RS people and have developed a pretty good data base.

But this city has amazing hotels tòo. Personally, I prefer hotels. How about one of the most stunning 5 stars in Europe or a quaint place, adult only, with a roof top party pool bar. For some reason I think that's your style. I'll join you.

But as always, ask a direct question and I will answer honestly and directly.

Posted by
19773 posts

As for the topic. Another quiet weekend. Tomorrow is a national holiday. I'll see if anything interesting happens at the usual protest gathering points.

Posted by
3513 posts

Mister E, I like your wine emoji. I hope when we visit Budapest, we can share a glass together. 🍷🍷 Nothing wrong with sharing your love of a beautiful European city. Many on this forum do.

Posted by
19773 posts

It's a national holiday today, so that is going on, but no protests. I look up the addresses for the two Embassies and was surprised they are about 10 min apart by foot. Two beautiful old mansions in the Buda hills. Expensive, beautiful property.

Posted by
19773 posts

Ohh, off subject, but I can do that as the OP. Stopped at the Winestone Restaurant on the 47/49 tram line at Kalvin ter. Not the first time. Came here with a RS friend earlier this year. Sat outside as it about 67F right now. Wine, Buffalo chicken sandwich, and darn gòod staff. Worth it for the service alone. Price not bad either.

ANd speaking of advertising for Budapest:

And this. A bit old, but nothing has changed LOL !!!!

Posted by
31 posts

On my recent very brief visit, the only impact I noticed was that it was the only topic of conversation 24/7 on every English language news station on the hotel TV.

I think it's a fair topic for conversation. The conflict has resulted in protests outside the actual area of conflict. Tourists tend to get nervous about protests. I'd be unsurprised if the question hasn't popped into the minds of any number of people with tickets for a holiday here or elsewhere, and I'd also be unsurprised if a lot of these people will find this news somewhat reassuring.

Posted by
19773 posts

Yesterday was a holiday to remember the 1956 revolution. The one suppressed by russian tanks. The celebration, among other places, was held on Andrassy ut near the House of Terror. This was mostly an anti Orban government group. Unfortunately for the russians, also near their embassy and the emphasis shifted a bit with thousands outside the russian embassy shouting an anatomically impossible suggestion while waving Hungarian and Ukraine flags. Well done Hungary. No violence.

Posted by
14833 posts

"...safer from terrorism here than in France or Belgium...." Theoretically and realistically true.

My trip to Europe next summer includes Budapest, as of now planning-wise, I shall be in BP in May, returning after almost a decade.

Good to know your positive "feel" for the city as regards to general atmosphere, safety, etc, etc....reassuring. Not concerned about the pickpocket myth either.

Posted by
19773 posts

Fred, the country just doesn't have the players in large quantities or a track record of such things, so presumably the odds are lower.

I'll be be around when you come.

Posted by
8115 posts

WE have been all over Europe and found Eastern Europe, including Hungary to have far fewer immigrants from countries liked to terrorism. You are likely to be safer in Hungary than London or Paris.

Posted by
19773 posts

True about Hungary at least. There was a pro-HAMAS protest some days ago. It was followed by a pro-Israel rally. The report was that the number of people at each was in the dozens. Certainly better than the tens of thousands in other European capitals.

For years now it hasn’t been a good idea to be out late at night looking Jewish in Paris so I suspect that will only get worse.

But I don’t want to paint too rosy a picture of Hungary either. The Jewish ADL places Hungary as one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe. But the Hungarians are also among the most passive, especially in Budapest. I haven’t heard of anything physical against a Jew in Budapest in about 15 years, but its absolutely sick that there is any distinction, any place in the world.