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Vegetarian meals in Hungary

I am planning a visit Hungary next year but I am a little concerned about the availability of vegetarian meals.
I eat only chicken and fish and wonder how hard it would be to find meals in Budapest. Plain vegetarian is fine too.
Can someone let me know their experience with food/meals on their visit there? Thanks!

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21074 posts

Well if you can eat vegetarian and Chicken and Fish you should have absolutely no problem finding means on most any menu in Budapest. Even more if you include Duck with the Chicken. If you were a "plain vegetarian" which i assumes no meat, you will still be able to find something on most every menu. Vegan is a bit more difficult but Budapest does have a number of Vegan restaurants.

This is the menu from one of my favorite places. The menu is primarily typical Hungarian dishes so you can find similar all over town.

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8371 posts

You won't have any problem eating in Hungary. The food is good and diverse.

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2701 posts

Csirke paprikas (chicken paprikash) is one of the most famous Hungarian dishes, and they do plenty of other chicken and fish dishes, plus I've seen lots of vegetarian options, and great salads, on menus all over Budapest.

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169 posts

I was in Budapest and Hungary traveling with a Vegetarian and she always found things to eat. She found a varied menu and a lot of great options. I don't think you will have to worry about it.

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8293 posts

Anyone I know who is a vegetarian would say the OP is a carnivore who eats on,y chicken and fish.

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8293 posts

It doesn't. It was a passing comment, as is your post.

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484 posts

Thank you all. I will go ahead with my trip planning to Hungary. Truly food is never much of a big concern/destination deterent as I can eat bread and butter for 7 days and be happy. I guess I should have clarified for Norma's sake. I am not a vegetarian (I don't think I actually said that), but would happily eat as a vegetarian if I am uncomfortable with the ingredients in the meat dishes.

Thanks again. I am very excited to visit Hungary and have been enjoying reading James E. posts on all things Hungarian.

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21074 posts

Of course you will be missing Toltott Kaposzta (stuffed cabbage) and Goulash. Also look for any restaurants that advertise Jewish food (as opposed to Kosher) as that will eliminate pork, and then there are a few kosher restaurants in town which will also cater to your tastes.

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8293 posts

I am sorry, Nadine. I misinterpreted your original post wherein you said you were concerned “about the availability of vegetarian meals”.

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484 posts

No worries, Norma. It was easy to make that assumption.
I am the pickiest eater you'll ever meet.

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21074 posts

I love pork. Lugas serves the stuffed cabbage with a pieced of pig skin with about a 3/4" layer of fat thats been crisped up a bit. G-d I love it. But, around home a couple of my favorite places are vegetarian because of the quality of the food. The few vegetarian places i know in Budapest are pretty darn good.