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Trouble buying tickets on Hungarian train site

I found this Hungarian train to get ticket from Budapest to Vienna.
I follow through until the point to register. After registered, I clicked on the sign in to purchase the ticket. But, after I put in email and password, it says "wrong email or password". I cant continue to log in to buy ticket. Please help.

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21112 posts

Lots of people seem to have trouble, so I believe you. But I've been lucky and havent. Do this, wait 24 hours to make sure their old Russian computers have processed your request and try again. Then, if you still have problems, try and change your password. Failing at that, call customer service. I spoke to them once and they were very professional

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83 posts

James is right. On the Hungarian train site, you can get the discount ticket for 13Euro one way from Budapest to Vienna.

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107 posts

I found the MAV site highly confusing as well. I was looking at Budapest to Vienna and it showed me different train times based on the ticket price I wanted to pay. And first you had to put in the passengers' birth dates. Then came the prices, click on a price and get one set of times, click on another price and get a different set of times. And the times aren't even the same as the ones I found when I researched it on DB. I'm planning to just go find the MAV office in Pest that is mentioned in Rick's book a few days before we travel and buy the tickets in person. I'm hoping this is going to be a good solution. The book says the train station office has long lines but the one in Pest (wherever that is) is quick.

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83 posts

My Updates for buying ticket on Hungarian train site:
As you suggested, I waited a day, then went back to the site, it let me login and I purchased the tickets from Budapest to Vienna for 13 Euro one ticket. They emailed me the 10 digit code and I will get the tickets at Keleti when I get to Budapest.