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Transportation in Budapest

I have gotten a few PM in the last several weeks and the reoccurring questions seem to be about money and transportation, so…….. while I am happy to answer PM’s I thought I would put some of it out here for other input, cause I am often wrong.

Public Transportation

Budapest, the part you will be interested in, is not unmanageably large to see on foot, but its not Prague either, where everything is in 2 or 3 tight tourist zones. You will get a lot out of the public transportation an its easy and sort of fun.

So you want a TravelCard and they come in several lengths of use and in two formats (digital and paper). and

Digital travel cards are downloaded using the BudapestGo App. For single use ticket you have to scan something before boarding, for long term tickets, not. I don’t like messing with my phone so I buy a paper one and put it in a clear plastic sleeve that I hang on my keychain. But both work. Where to buy them? PM me and I will tell you the closest source to your accommodations. The longer duration cards require an ID number be printed on them; either your passport or driver’s license number. So which ever number you use, you will have to carry that document with you. Remember it is a requirement in Hungarian law that you have your passport on you at all times.

Avoid the single use tickets as no local uses them and you will get spotted instantly when you either scan your app or validate the paper ticket in the red or orange box on the transport.

Download a metro map off the internet (or the BudapestGo app will act like google maps for directions as to which transport to get on for your trip – but will try and be efficient and may put you on busses – not really fun). Stick to the trams and the M1 metro line and you wont need busses or trollies (electric busses).

You only have to produce your TravelCard when asked. I have gone weeks without showing it, others get caught the first day. The fine last time I checked was 8.000 ft on the spot. If some old guy (or old woman) harasses you on the metro, first check their sleeve. If you see an armband that says BKK on it, cooperate. That’s the random spot check enforcement. Just show your TravelCard.


From time to time someone will post ancient information about the honesty of the Taxis in Budapest. Today they are well regulated, clean, honest, efficient and affordable.

My favorite company is City Taxi and they have a good phone app that makes getting a taxi pretty easy. The only advice is that its cheaper to call one than to get one at a taxi stand. The one exception is from the airport you use the taxi stand and that’s still the best way to get to into town.

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5067 posts

We know you like paper and I like digital. 🤣 So I will add a couple of things for digital lovers.

You can download and set up the BudapestGo app ahead of time. Then you can use it to purchase a pass (24 hr on up) up to 30 days before you plan to use it for the first time, setting the beginning day.

For the metro, you scan when you enter the metro and have the dancing picture available to show if asked. This means you MUST have data available. -no data and it won’t work. (I use an Airalo eSim). It also requires your phone to not be out of battery….. And I saw quite a few inspectors checking everyone as they exited stations.

I scanned on both trams and busses also, but I don’t think you have to (but there is a QR code by all the doors). More on this after my next trip. I also saw a line about a feature in the app where you tap a metro location right before you enter - meaning you don’t have to scan and look immediately like a tourist. More learning ahead on this as well!

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21472 posts

Mu interpretation is you only need to scan for single use tickets, day passes and longer have the start and finish date time on the app so no scanning necessary. But they ask you to keep the app on the top sctmrern while traveling, presumably to speed up checks. Yes, buy in all cases I think you need active data.

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201 posts

I prefer the paper BKK pass as well. There are days were I don't need a mobile connection but I need transportation. I have a clear phone case and keep my pass there so it is easy to show.

Our last visit was September and inspectors were out in force. There were officials at the entrances of the major metro stations. The M1 line between Deak and Szechenyi had inspectors at the exits almost everyday and often in the train car. I was surprised to see an inspector on the 4/6 tram as we boarded at Szell Kalman, moving through the car asking everyone to show their pass. Better safe than sorry.

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21472 posts

Christy, a good reminder:

If you buy single use tickets KEEP IT until you are off the metro line and 100 m from the station.

On one occasion I had the inspector follow us for a quite a distance from the metro station to check the ticket of someone I was traveling with. When you buy a book of 10 single use tickets the top "ticket" is actually a sort of receipt but looks identical to a ticket. Unfortunately she had not noticed and validated it. So she got nailed for the 8.000 ft fine.

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2710 posts

Another paper pass person here...I keep mine as souvenirs, propped up on my dresser as a happy reminder--can't wait to replace the last one I used in May 2019 with one from my trip there this May.

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201 posts

James, one of my Hungarian relatives uses those little tickets. She's a big fan of walking and lives in K. 1, so everything is in her neighborhood. She joined us for a day, loving the role of tourist in her hometown, but the tickets slowed us down. We went to board the M1 at Heroes Square and the machine was down. She even asked the inspectors at the entrance and they told her "sorry" so we walked to the next stop to purchase her tickets there.

We tried them about 10 year ago and one of my tickets was unusually wide - perhaps it was printed from the end of the roll? My relatives told me I'd won the golden ticket since it would fit in a machine to be validated. They suggested that I just keep trying at the validation machine and if approached, show my fat ticket. :) Back then, no one cared. Now, it's a whole new ballgame.

Crista, I use mine as bookmarks. I have a sweet little collection of 7-day and 15-day passes. They just make me happy.

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21472 posts

I meant a paper multi-day TravelCard vs the phone App. The single use tickets are a pain and if you see someone using one, 9 out of 10 times it's a tourist .... like me last night. Tge TravelCards don't require validation, just present it if asked.

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12315 posts

I'm not flying into Budapest, but I will be flying out. You recommend using a taxi to get to the airport and calling for it?