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Train travel on Sunday morning--

Is there any problem going from Budapest to Vienna by train on Sunday morning?
I'm asking because sometimes on a holiday or Sunday travel can get complicated.
I'm making hotel reservations and if it seems like a problem (fewer trains, no taxis ...who knows?)
I will leave Saturday night.

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21551 posts

@Carol, I noticed you asked about performances in the Vienna forum. You really ought to consider visiting a performance in Budapest. For artistic excellence it is hard to beat the best of Vienna, but for as a living and breathing and relevant cultural experience I think Budapest offers more depth. For Opera and Ballet and the occasional concert there is the Hungarian State Opera House for Operettas and Musicals there is the Budapest Operett Theater and for concerts and dance there is the Palace of Art Theater and music is still a very important part in the daily lives of the entire cross section of society which creates culturally significant environment in which the tourist is a minority player. Totally different vibe than Vienna. Seat are inexpensive with the best box seats rarely more than $65 decent seats for $30 to $40 and the cheap seats go for as little as $2. For the best experience purchase box seats and enjoy the benefits of mingling with the local population during the intermission.

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60 posts

James -thank you!
Those are terrific links for cultural events and music....I will be researching our dates and will PM you if I have questions.

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21551 posts

Carol, sorry to hear you are traveling in July. Yes, the theaters for the most part close from mid June through the end of August. This was pretty much common in the region and I am guessing where it has changed it has changed in response to tourism demands/opportunities. The summer break was probably due a little to getting ready for the next season and a little or a lot due to the fact there was no air conditioning.

If you get just a little lucky and if there is practice going on a the Opera House you might be able to enjoy a really great piece of sausage while listening to the music. Here is how it works: Facing the Opera House there is a street that runs up the right hand side. The street name is Hajo utca. At the back side of the Opera House it becomes pedestrian only. As you walk up the street you will see on the right a red storefront with the title Hus Hentesaru. I believe it just means Meat or Meat Market. In the small window you will see some great looking sausage. Go in and tell the big burly man "sausage" and hold up one finger for one piece. He will as something to the effect of "here" or "plate" to which you answer yes. Next question 'bread", answer, yes. Next question "mustard", oh heck yes. Now your turn to ask, say "Knife" and he will reach in a drawer and pull out a knife with a giant butcher knife handle but a blade that has been ground to a very small steak knife. Drinks are in the fridge behind you. Pay and walk to the table outside. There with some luck they will be practicing in the Opera house with the windows open (no A/C). You get opera and a really great piece of sausage. Or at least a really great piece of sausage and a great conversation in signal syllable words. Don't forget to return the knife. I think its Jewish owned as I have found them closed on the few Saturday's I have tried.

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60 posts

Thanks James!
I see that there is a lot going on in Budapest so I'll wait 'til we get there, and make decisions.

It sounds like it will be OK to wait until we get there. We want a relaxed trip and some spontaneity will be great. Meanwhile I will check out the hot spring baths....I'm sure I'll be at one daily if not twice daily.

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60 posts

Thank you......perfect. We can make at least one of those concerts.
I'm so excited. I haven't looked into lodging yet, but I'll be in touch.

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16895 posts

No problem with Sunday trains in either country (that's a bus issue). I understand from your other thread that you have now found accurate schedules online.