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Train from Vienna to Budapest Kelenfold

My wife and I will be taking the train from Vienna to Budapest on May 19th and staying two nights at the Marriott before a cruise. Would we have any problems taking the train to the Budapest Kelenföld train station and hopping in a cab to get to the Marriott?. I would take the Metro but my wife is claustrophobic and not a fan of the underground. Will cabs be readily available at this smaller train station? Thanks.

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7357 posts

Besides metros, there is an extensive tram network in Budapest, and line 49 goes from Kelenföld station to Deák Ferenc square, 500m from the Budapest Marriott.
Or cabs should be available - but if you'd rather take a cab, it is a shorter and thus cheaper ride from Keleti station, the end of the line from Vienna.

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21551 posts

No, except you want to go to Keleti Station. Then call City Taxi or use their app. No tram service to the station. But do consider the metro. The station at Keleti is pretty large and the metro line is just a regular size train. But if you use a taxi, DO call for one, don't take a random one. Things are 100% better than 10 years ago, but still it's better to call. The City Taxi app is like the UBER app, you will see the pickup point and be able to track tge car on a map. I'm guessing no more than 3.000 HUF and the driver will take credit cards.

If you can send a PM I can send you some more poop on the station.

Posted by
21551 posts

If you do want to get off at Kelenfold, then you will find the end stop of the 47/49 tram. Take it about 7 stops or 20 minutes to the first stop after crossing the Danube river. You will be in font of the Great Marke Hall on one side of the street and the end of Vaci utca at the other side of the street. But you are schlepping luggage so not the right time to go sight seeing. Instead look back to the river and you will see stairs that appear to go down under the bridge............ because they do. At the bottom of the stairs you will find the famous 2 tram. . Take it left to right 2 stops, walk back 2 or 3 minutes and you are at the Marriott. I promise the views of Budapest make the trip worthwhile.

Posted by
201 posts

Is there a reason you want to disembark at Kelenföld? Typically, you'd go to Keleti which is on the same side of the river as your hotel. From there, it is quite easy on the Metro, but it can be intimidating the first time when dealing with claustrophobia. Don't select a cab from the curb. Try City Taxi: You can use the app or you can order a taxi from the web site. They accept card and their rate are reasonable, cars are clean and their drivers are very nice.

Posted by
66 posts

Thank you all for your advice. Though the ticket from RegioJet says to Kelenfold Station, I checked and we will actually be able to stay on the train to the Deli Station where we will call a City Cab (whose app is already on my phone) to take us to the Marriott. Thanks again for sharing your expertise and we are looking forward to exploring Budapest though we wish we had more than three days to do so.

Posted by
21551 posts

Tim, just out of curiosity, what is your train number and departure time out of Vienna?

You might have found something that I overlooked.

Cause I can find trains from Vienna to Kelenfold.*&e=Budapest-Kelenf%C3%B6ld&v=&d=23.05.03&u=1156&go=Timetable

And I can find trains from Kelenfold to Deli (about 10 minute ride)

But I can not seem to locate a train from Vienna to Deli that does not invove changing trains in Kelenfold.*&e=Budapest-D%C3%A9li&v=&d=23.05.03&u=1156&go=Timetable

More commn is to go to Keleti; and many of those do stop in Kelenfold. (nicer station than the other two as well, although the taxi ride from either Kelenfold or Deli to your hotel would be enjoyable; especially when you cross the river.)*&e=Budapest-Keleti&v=&d=23.05.03&u=1156&go=Timetable

Purchase from OBB, not this site, this is the MAV (Hungarian Rail site).

And dont worry about RailJet. The Hungarian tracks have a speed limit of about 50mph no matter what the train is called. Just pick one that is among the faster (means fewer stops, not faster train) that leaves when you want to leave.

If you have your ticket to Kelenfold, and it does require a change of trains, just get the taxi there. Easier than messing with another train (or there is a Metro Line that gets pretty close to your hotel. Would involve a little walking but thorugh some nice pedestrian areas.

Or you said Deli and mean to say Keleti and its perfect.

Posted by
21551 posts

Chances are what you have is perfect, and if its not, thats part of the thrill of travel. You really can not do wrong; only "different". Very safe, very beautiful city with good support network (City Taxi) or call me if I am in town and I come get you.

Oh, and I am rambling now, if anyone wants to buy a train ticket originating in Hungary, dont use the site i used above. Use: I am just use to the format of the old one.

Posted by
21551 posts

So I looked on your RegioJet site and found the 17:27 that has train number 1035 from Vienna hfb and goes direct to Deli at 20:14

On the OEBB site there is also a 17:27 train that iis also number 1035 and you change 3 times to reach Deli at 20:39

The MAV site doesnt even show the train but that could be because of the 4 minute change along the way.

What am I trying to say. No freeking idea; i've never bought a ticket except from the national train companies. Have a great trip.

Posted by
66 posts

Thanks again for everyone's willingness to share their expertise. I invariably use the Man in Seat 61 website when looking at train travel in Europe and then book through Trainline or the OBB or DB apps. Here is what the Man in Seat 61 website says about RegioJet:

"Regiojet is the new kid on the block, a private operator competing with the national rail operators' trains. This is the cheapest option, especially at short notice or on the day of travel when Regiojet fares remain low, but the higher full-flex fare applies to the ÖBB/MAV trains. Regiojet are currently only operating two trains per day, but if the timing suits you, their older cars offer old-school comfort, free WiFi, a reserved seat included in the price, excellent on-board at-seat service with complimentary water and Illy coffee (and a complimentary individual bottle of sparkling wine in business class). You won't regret choosing Regiojet."

I arrived at buying a RegioJet ticket through the Trainline app and we will give them a try; it is train 1035 which leaves Vienna Hbh at 10:27 and arrives at Budapest Deli at 13:14 on May 19th. I will let you know what I think of RegioJet upon our return. Thanks again for everyone's willingness to help.