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Suggestions for a Dinner/Reception in Budapest

Hello All -

I hope to host a light dinner/passed apps (TBD) reception for my relatives living in Budapest and Hungary and relatives/friends from the States traveling to Budapest with me on Sunday Aug 3. (A spot we had decided upon has come back to us just yesterday and informed us they can't take our group).

Approximate number of people 24-30.

I'd rather not pick one of the large format hotels. I'd like this to be typically Hungarian.

No need for top notch fare - emphasis will be on location/uniqueness/experience - not food.

We will have transportation available to us so city-center, while convenient, isn't a top priority. I have a cousin residing in Budapest that can do some of the local legwork/QandA with the establishment for me.

Any thoughts from this group will be greatly appreciated - only have about 5 weeks to settle this.

Thanks much

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21556 posts

The most iconic thing you could do, if the weather is good, is eat outside on the Corso with the view of the Buda castle across the river. It would never be forgotten. I've seen large groups at the Panorama Terrace.

If you wanted a old world sort of Hungarian traditional place away from the tourists then Not sure if it's big enough.

The terrace at the Vakvarju in District XIII would be great and away from tourists ... or inside too. good reliable Hungarian food and casual atmosphere.

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159 posts

Hi James -
We are a week away from a return trip to BP! Can't believe it's been 3 years since I've been back!
Anyway, I thought I'd let you know what we ended up doing re: our sort-of family reunion.

Sat night we have a dinner at DunaCorso for 14 of the Americans landing in Hungary.
Sun night we have booked a terrace long table at Nancsi Neni's in the Buda foothills. This dinner will have the 14 from the States plus another 16 friends/family that live in Hungary.

I will try to get to VakVaru this trip also. And I have been told that KisKakuk is also very good.

Have you been to a place called "Elso Pesti Reteshaz" (translated: First Pest Retes House)? friends tell me it is solid.

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21556 posts

Első Pesti Rétesház; aka, The First Strudel House of Pest. Great place.

One of the good things about it is the location. If you read much of what I've posted, I don't often speak well of District V, but once you get north of the Zrínyi u. (the pedestrian road in front of the Basilica) things get good. Such a beautiful part of town withe very few tourists till you reach the Parliament.

Posted by
159 posts

Hi James -

I hate to admit that my Hungarian is failing me - I've got no one to speak with here in the States - I had forgotten that Retes translates to Strudel! I and love Strudel!

Thanks for confirming that the restaurant is a good spot - we plan to go

Best - Don