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1082 posts

I am so glad, we're traveling to Europe in July and this was weighing heavy on my spouse. We will still wear masks in crowds, and try to eat outdoors as much as possible, but I feel so much better about travel now!!!!

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1 posts

Yes, I just heard that today! I literally just spent all morning locating testing sites in Paris! I am very relieved for this to be removed! We will still wear our masks as well!

Posted by
172 posts

Me too! I'll be travelling to Budapest in July as well and taking a river cruise down the Danube...I'll definitely be wearing a mask and eat outdoors as much as possible but this makes me feel not as stressed.

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4074 posts

Keep in mind that the CDC can REVOKE this at ANY time plus the Biden administration will reassess this in 90 days.

Posted by
172 posts

Very cool, James! You should see the excel spreadsheet itinerary I've created for my trip...I have 5 days Pre-Cruise and have filled them all up (except for one which I'm using as a Massage day) and two days Post-Cruise which are also filled up. I always tend to do too much when I travel. I've bought tickets for most of the sites (the ones I can purchase beforehand) and then I'll wing it for the others. I'm doing Pest one day and Buda, the next. And then a trip to Etyk Pre-Cruise and then a trip to the Artist's Village Post-Cruise. I'll also attend an Opera and see the Circus during my visit. You could say that I am beyond excited to travel again...I'm trying to wear my mask everywhere still and being cautious about going places...can't risk getting sick before my trip.

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21551 posts

Etyk is a lot of fun! A few times a year they have an open house sort of event with music, food, a pig roast. Enjoy. But take some time to sit and enjoy too.

Posted by
172 posts

That sounds really cool! I'm definitely taking time to just sit and relax.