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Recommended Taxi services and apps

I know at the airport to use Főtaxi to get to my accommodation.
What other companies are respectable?
Of these, what companies can I use their app without a phone number? I will only have data.
I will not have text or calling ability.

I may want to take a taxi to the Keleti train station early Wednesday morning. I need to be there by 6 a.m. I am probably 10 minutes away, if that.


Posted by
5074 posts

City Taxi. Set it up before you leave home. Works like Uber.

You may want to scroll past threads in the Hungary forum.

Posted by
21566 posts

I suspect that most of the taxi services are good. I use City because it was recommended to me 20 years ago and over the years they have never let me down. And on a few occassions they have gone above and beyond. So, once I find something that works I dont explore much. We have Bolt too if you are more familiar with them. But no Uber here.

With the City Taxi App you dont have to know the language, its all input. The map tells City where you are and the map tells you where the taxi is. Pretty swift and clean.

Since you will be in Budapest a few days, I suggest you visit the New York Cafe. But come early in the day and during the week when there are fewer tourists.

Part of the reason for the suggestion is how you will get there.

You will walk out your flat and board the 4 or 6 tram.

Which way? South East of course. If its the 4 tram you get on look for one that says Újbuda-központ and if it is the 6 tram, look for one that says Móricz Zsigmond körtér. Those are the end stops and its how you tell direction on all of the public transportation.

If you get on going the wrong way the first stop will be the Eiffel designed Nyugati Train Station. The outside was recently renovated. Beautiful. Interesting too, if you want to to take a look inside. Then back on the tram going the right direction.

From the Oktogon you will go to the thrid stop called Blaja Luja ter. Once off, look up the intersecting street. See that beautiful old building at the end of the road? Thats Keleti Train Station and its why I suggested visiting the New York Cafe. Turn around a few times and you will see stairs going down beneath the street. Those go to the M2 Metro station which goes to the underground of the train station. How easy.

Okay, now the NY Cafe. Cross the street that the tram came down and walk back about 200 meters. You are there.

Afterwards if you want to go to go to other sights the majority will require you to first reach Deak Ferenc ter. Thats good too, buecause the best way will be that M2 metro line and once you see how easy that is, you will have no fear with getthing to Keleti your last day ............. or call a taxi.

Posted by
102 posts

Mr E, you continue to amaze me with your knowledge and willingness to share it with poor, lost souls like me.
I can't thank you enough and I am sure that new Airbnb will be amazing.

I looked into the city taxi app, and the reviews scared me a bit. Many said their taxi was canceled 5 minutes before arrival, but the two of you have had positive experiences with it, so I will give it a shot. Some said they needed SMS and a phone number, hopefully that is not true.
I may not even use the taxi except from the airport as it seems very easy to get to Keleti from where I am staying and it will be early (about 5:45 am or so) so I suspect the public transport will not be all that crowded.

As for WhatsApp. I have never been able to setup a new number. If it was in my phone to begin with, it's not a problem, but especially non US numbers I just have had no luck adding a new number. I do have a German number that works, but that was in my phone before I installed it. I hope I get that figured out.

Thank you again,

Posted by
21566 posts

Put the person in your contacts on your phone. Tgen it might work. Or have the person WhatsApp to your number. Tgen i know you get it. Or use email. LOL

I have posted in the past what City Taxi has done for me. I cant complain. But nothing is perfect.

At 5am public transportation will not be crowded but depending on the line it may be 8 min between runs. Most everything is on a 3 or 4 min schedule duringvthe day.

If you go to the NY Cafe, or any time you use the M2, go ahead and run up to Keleti and look around. Find the boards that announce the platforms, the coffee shop, look at the track numbers, and half arent in the main hall.

Give me a call, ill go with. I do this because i fell in love with this city 20 years ago, this month. Its home now and i enjoy sharing it. Nothing more.

Posted by
102 posts

You read my mind. I was always going to Keleti to get the lay of the land, so I understood the layout before I needed to catch my train. The last thing I wanted was to show up and get confused right before I am to leave. This way I know where the tracks are, where the boards are and how they read well ahead of time. I can also have a really good look at the station itself.

I am not sure if I will go to the NY Cafe or not, but at least I will know where it is.

I will shoot you a PM with my email and phone number. If you can wait until after 21:30 your time to call as I am at work. Email anytime.


Posted by
5074 posts

Just to add that I have scheduled a City Taxi pickup for really early morning departures 3 or 4 times on the app the evening before and have not had a bad experience (doesn’t mean it can’t happen).

Yes, I think they needed to send an SMS when getting my account set up - that is why I advocate to set it up before you leave home.

Mr. É is correct that for WhatsApp you just use your regular home number (that is more like a user name - it doesn’t actually go through your cell service). Go in and add whoever you want in your regular contacts. Then you will have the option from there to send a WhatsApp (the first time). With their name open in your Contacts, tap Message, and WhatsApp comes up as a choice. (I use an iPhone.)

Posted by
102 posts

I downloaded and set up the app. They sent me a code via SMS, so I think I am all set.
WhatsApp is all set as well.

Thank you for the advice.


Posted by
102 posts

I am a Quality Engineer by trade and have a touch of OCD. I am never ready. :)
In my line of work, things always go wrong. I need to find a job where things always go right.