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Recommended Minibus - Budapest Hotel to Airport?

Would appreciate a recommendation on booking a minibus (for six to 12 people, depending on itineraries) for early morning flights out of Budapest in late December. We're looking for door-to-door service from a centrally located hotel to the airport without any other stops for additional customers. So far I've seen and Thanks.

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21554 posts

I don't know either company. If it were up to me, first I would write City Taxi and get a rate for a van: Individual cars (3 passengers) will cost you about $24.00. That works out to $8.00 per person. That's hard to beat. When my whole family travels with me we just get two taxis. I've been using City Taxi for a decade and their service is pretty exceptional. A few months ago we found ourselves sort of far from our accommodations and didn't want to walk so I called. What i hadn't counted on was the utter impossibility of pronouncing some street names. I couldn't tell the dispatcher where I was. It was sad and funny at the same time. Finally I said, that I would find someone who spoke Hungarian and call back. The dispatcher laughed and demanded that we keep trying. Eventually we got it right. I like these guys.

My second choice would be Fotaxi. Fotaxi is the contract company for the airport and they provide good service as well: Same rates as City Taxi (fixed by the government)

For style and comfort you might price the trip with László MÁRKUS is a prince but comfort comes with a higher price. I have noticed that he is sort of flexible so if you tell him you want him to make multiple runs you might get better rates.

*ADDED: A few other notes, if you have a morning flight before 7 am then leave the hotel 2 to 2.25 hours early to get you to the airport 1.5 to 2 hours before flight time. You want to be a little early because the airport is not the most orderly affair. If your flight is between 7 and 9 you might want to add 15 to 30 minutes to that just to be on the safe side in rush hour traffic.

Most hotels will arrange the transportation for you but it will not be as cheap as a taxi.

The airport minibus service will probably devote a bus just to you if you are going to put a large group in it. You might contact them as well

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31 posts

Thank you, James. I really appreciate the input about departure times. Input from others?