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RailJet from Vienna ticketing / train options question

There are two main options:

SparSchiene Ungarn - "Limited allocation restricted to a specific train, no exchange, specific refund terms"
2nd class: 87 Euro (for 3 people)
1st class: 117 Euro

Standardpreis International - "Standard ticket not restricted to a specific train, full flexibility"
2nd class: 109.80 Euro
1st class: 174.60 Euro

Can anyone please explain the difference between the two main ticketing options.... and then the 2 separate classes? I assume 1st class is just nicer, but maybe it entails more than this.

I'll be booking this train for 3 people (myself included) to Buda from Vienna.

Thanks all!

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12040 posts

The first option- it means your ticket is valid only for a specific train. For the second, you can take any Railjet train along that route all day long.

The seats in first class are spaced out a little more (to give business travelers more room to work) and they offer waiter service from the dining car. First class tends to be marginally more quiet. That's about it. For most casual tourists, second class is plenty comfortable and more than adequate.

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2710 posts

I travelled Vienna to Budapest last August on the the SparSchiene ticket, 2nd class, booked in advance as I definitely needed to be in Budapest that day. For a 3 hour trip 2nd class is fine.

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21520 posts

On the trains in the region that I have been on the big difference between 1st and 2nd class has been that there are more tourists in first class. Admittedly on routes within Hungary, when I have a friend buy the ticket at the office in Budapest a week or so before I arrive the difference in cost between 1st and 2nd is so marginal that I buy the 1st class.