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Rail from Budapest to Innsbruck, Austria

Is the CZECK TRANSPORT from Budapest to Innsbruck a reputable company?
The price on that line is much less than others as listed below.
Please advise, as this will be our first rail experience in Europe.
Thanks for your help.

From Budapest to Innsbruck Departure 28. July 2014 Travellers 2
Train number Train type Departure Arrival Travel time Cabin Price
RJ 162 railjet Railjet 06:05
28. July 2014
Budapest-Keleti pu 13:40
28. July 2014
Innsbruck Hbf 7:35 2nd class
Seat reservation is included €228

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3 posts

The only website I can get a price, is on the Czech Transport.
Please advise

Posted by
21551 posts

If you are deadest on purchasing the tickets before you arrive in Budapest then before you purchase them someplace else wait until 30 days prior to the date and check the site again. If still no price if it were me I would call MAV. They can be polite and helpful. Failing that purchase them where you can I guess. If it were me and if I had 3 or 4 days in Budapest prior to my train travel I would confirm the train on the phone with MAV and then just buy them when I got to Budapest. But I understand you wanting to have them in hand before you leave on the trip.

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16895 posts

The train does not require reservations and you can buy tickets at a train station or travel agency in Europe if that Hungarian web site doesn't work for you. (For later departures with connections, the Hungarian site will (at best) only sell the first leg to Vienna or Salzburg, but the Austrian site will sell the second leg as a print-at home ticket.)