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Private tour in eastern Hungary

My husband and I will be taking my mom on a Danube river cruise in the summer of 2019 that will end in Budapest. My mother would love to visits the towns where her Hungarian grandparents lived, but they are all in southern or eastern Hungary. Mezobereny is easiest to get to from Budapest by rail, so we thought we’d start there. I’m looking for a private tour guide who could take us around Mezobereny and help us with the language (we speak English and a bit of German). We would also be interested in seeing Dolga Vas/Lendva in Slovenia near the Hungarian border.

All of the private tours I have been able to find in Hungary center around Budapest. Any leads on tour guides who are located closer to our eventual destinations? Or maybe there are guides in Budapest who are knowledgeable about these areas and are willing to drive there with us...?

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21137 posts

I have two names for you. The first is a driver, not a guide, and will be less expensive. When we have hired Laszlo in the past he has always been great conversation and extremely helpful with communicating with people a ling the way. I would do a lot of my own research; between the internet and Google Translate and Google Earth and Street View there isn't much you cant figure out these days; then get in the car or van with Laszlo and take off. Here is his web page:

The other name is a proper guide. I hate today someone is the best, because that's impossible to know unless you have tried them all. But this guy would be near the top. If Andrew can't help you he has given us good referrals in the past; so ask. Here is his website:

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21137 posts

I just looked at the destinations on a map. To get from Mezobereny to Dolga Vas the only efficient driving route is back through Budapest so you might consider two seperate trips on different days; combined with a little sight seeing

One trip to Mezobereny with maybe a stop in Kecskemét to break up the return trip. That would be about 2 hours down and about 2.5 hours back which isn't a terrible day; especially with someone like Laszlo. If you did want to spend the night you might have to go to Szeged to find something nice. But you never know, there are little gem hotels all over the country.

After a day or two more in Budapest head out to Dolga Vas with a stop a Tihany on the way back (take the ferry across the lake from Szántód). Again not a bad day trip with about 2.5 hours each way. If you did want to spend the night someplace, look at Tihany.

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21137 posts

You could also rent a car i guess. If i did that then i would do it all as one trip as the rental and returning will take hours of time. In that case i would do the long drive south of Budapest and see the scenery, but it would be an all day drive from Mezobereny to Dolga Vas.

Of course those two trips plus seeing Budapest will take you a week. Get a comfortable apartment to return home to each night and to offset some of the travel costs (4 star apartment is about 70 euro, four star hotel is about 150 euro)