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overnight before airport in Budapest?

Taking train in from Vienna just to catch a plane in Budapest. Any recommendations where to stay just overnight? It would be great if the hotel had early morning shuttle service. Plane leaves at 9:30 AM. Thanks!

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21477 posts

 If you have one night then i suggest you get a room at the Marriott on the river with the beautiful views across to Buda and the restaurants on the embankment and to walk, drink and enjoy and wish you had planned to spend more time in Budapest.!21404&authkey=!AFaA6zu5RKGVu6Y&ithint=folder%2c

Then about 2 hours prior to departure time I would have a Taxi pick you up. My favorite is City Taxi. but many are good. Fare will be about $30.

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4 posts

We will have been in Budapest for 3 days before leaving. Going to Vienna for a few days then returning to Budapest to fly out. Any other ideas, hotel-wise?

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21477 posts

For the first 3 days you are in Bpest where are you staying and maybe I can suggest something that will give you another view of the city. And what time do you arrive from Vienna and the time of year? You really don't want to stay near the airport. Nothing decent there and no real advantages.

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4 posts

Alas, Palazzo is booked. We are staying at an airb&b, 1137 Budapest, Szent Istvan Korut 16. It looks grand! What do you think? You are so HELPFUL! I am so grateful. I have never been to Hungary so this is a fine adventure!

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21477 posts

Woldinbetween has great taste and i hear tremendous things about the hotel but I’m not crazy about the location for a tourist with limited time that wants to see all they can of Budapest. You have to remember that Worldinbetween stayed there on her last night after living there for a few years. If you are staying at Szent Istvan Korut 16 you have gone to the far end of the spectrum from the Zichy. Between the two lies about 4.5km and about halfway between the two lies the heart of Pest. Make sure you enjoy walking and have the time to walk or you buy lots of metro tickets. The other think you might want to think about is that the apartment you are renting is very near Nyugati station. Not where the overwhelming number of migrants are located but I am not sure that there are not some there as well. My opinion is that places like the Zichy and Buda are great for the second or third visit to Budapest but on the first I would suggest you get more central.

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21477 posts

The Zichy is in a great neighborhood once you have seen all the standards. I try and think like a tourist on a 3 day stay which differs from what i would do if i were going. When do you return?