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Opinions on this airbnb, location in particular...

Mr E et al, how do these look?

This one looks nice but it has too many mentions of "thin walls" and neighbours. I visited the Gerbaud cafe in 2018 so I can picture the area but I don't have an overall "lay of the land" in my head. The reviews say it's quiet but that seems unlikely for that area?

What's the recommended place to stay, 7th district? I've heard 5th referred to as a party place.

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21417 posts

This one is at Rákóczi út 20 which is technically in District VII, the same district as the old Jewish Ghetto. However, this address is on the border of the District and faces towards District VIII. That’s a good thing as District VII is the local party district. Fascinating during the day and noisy and full of drunk kids at night. Here is the building. Quite lovely.,19.0644822,3a,75y,4.8h,107.22t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3A82hS-Y9JwBAXNQhgwF7Q!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&coh=205410&entry=ttu

The location is just a few steps from the Dohany ut (Great) Synagogue and a few minute walk to the 47/49 tram and the M2 Metro stop at Astoria. The tram will get you to Andrassy ut (very close), Deak Ferenc ter, Great Market Hall, Gellert Bath, the 2 and 19 and 41 trams. The M2 will take you to Deak Ferenc ter and from there you can change to the M1 or M3. The M2 also goes to the Parliament and to Keleti train Station.

For me what is lacking is evening activity. I am a wander the streets in the evening sort of guy and the location isnt great for that, but with a short ride on public transportation you can do that.

This is District V. District V has two parts. Down river half is the most densely touristed part of town (well ties with the District VII I guess) and is probably not quite as bad a party district as VII, but getting there. Up river half is fairly quiet and where you will find the Parliament Building. The Basilica is sort on the border of the two extremes.

The flat location is on one of the largest squares in town and in one of the most expensive locations in town. Its all tourist, but rather higher end tourism. A very short walk is the Danube Corso with the stunning views of the Buda Castle. Right out in front is the end stop of the M1 Metro which will get you away from the costs and the Tourism by whisking you up Andrassy ut to the Opera and beyond.,19.0505505,3a,75y,303.71h,96.27t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sV4ySYuXWLsRt6LxnkL0iFA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?authuser=0&coh=205410&entry=ttu

Of the two the first one is in a bit more “real” Budapest, but I think I prefer the convenience of the second one a bit more because getting to my favorite evening stroll the town location is easier and its close to Deak Ferenc ter which is sort of the center when it comes to transportation time to all of the sights and sites. .

Cant say either is bad. If one really lights your fire, pick it.

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283 posts

THank you Mr E! Curious if partying continues into the end of November? We arrive on Sat Nov 23. I suppose it'll just be a new focus on Christmas partying. :)

It's a once bitten twice shy question--we had an AirBnB in Paris that sounded great, on a pedestrian street--but it was a party street, with tons of people under our window at all hours, and the cigarette smoke made the balcony unusable. We North Americans have gotten quite spoiled with public smoking. But I don't anticipate needing to leave the windows open in November and I carry earplugs now, so that pretty much precludes our Paris experience...