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November 1st in Budapest or Vienna

On Nov 1 I’ll either be spending my last full day in Budapest or taking the train on to Vienna. I know this is a holiday but from what I can tell it seems everything will be open and train schedules aren’t different. Can anyone comment if this is a safe assumption?

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5569 posts

All the shops in Vienna will be closed on Nov. 1.

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21551 posts

Then spend it in Budapest. Visit the cemeteries and be a part of a cultural event. I can suggest one in particular. Some things in town will be closed, but I guess observance isn't as rigid as some countries. Also a good day for a day or evening river cruise for the sights, lights, dinner and some have entertainment too.

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649 posts

Thanks Emily, shops are closed but museums are open, yes? And probably not all restaurants would be closed?
And thanks as well Mr E, I knew what your recommendation would be, one more day in Budapest! I never thought about going to a cemetery however. I’d be interested to hear your suggestion.

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649 posts

Thanks TTM, very interesting and I sort of knew that about the visit the cemetery tradition and also the setting an extra place at the table in some cultures but hadn’t thought about it in Hungary or Austria for this trip. Nov 1 is All Saints Day and a holy day in the Catholic Church in the states as well. But really thank you for the website link. What a handy resource!

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5569 posts

Restaurants and museums will be open in Vienna on Nov. 1. As Austria is also a very Catholic country, everyone heads to the cemeteries to clean and decorate gravesites on this day. Zentralfriedhof in Vienna features graves of famous composers as well as Falco, the popular singer from the 80s (Rock me Amadeus). It is a great day to visit this interesting sights, especially as the leaves are changing color.

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649 posts

My airfare is set now, Oct 18-Nov 8. I just have to decide whether 6 days in Budapest, 7 in Vienna or the reverse. I always tell myself to unschedule myself at least one day to slow down and enjoy a long cafe break and more chill time but somehow I’m always moving on to the next thing. And Vienna does have so many amazing museums. At first I thought it made more sense to do the train to Vienna on Nov 1st because of the holiday but now I’m not so sure. Which ever I choose will be great I’m sure. Thanks for the information.

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21551 posts

You might see if the Pannonhalma Archabbey is open 1 November (it is, I checked). Visit the Archabbey, maybe the winery on the grounds, spend the night at the hotel Klastrom in the old Gyor city center. This is on the train tracks almost exactly half way between Budapest and Vienna.

Or!!!!! Have Laszlo or Diana drive you to Gyor and stop at the The Komárom fortress along the way, then everything above ....

From a practical point of view I usually add a day to the first stop because the first day is always a bit tougher. But enjoying isn't always about being practical. If you are more into structure and museums Vienna is hard to beat. Budapest is a bit more freestyle and more about tge streets than the insides of things. (Just my opinion). For clean and shiny, Vienna. For a bit more worn from use, Budapest. Overall cost which should really not determine enjoyment ... Budapest maybe 20% less, maybe more.

One idea is don't plan it. Know you will be in Budaoest 6 days and book your hotel accordingly. If after 5 you want to leave, buy your train ticket for day 7. Otherwise just wait until you are ready. Book Vienna hotel starting on day 9. You can always modify both reservations. is pretty easy when it comes to mods.

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649 posts

Too many good things!!! I’ll be in Prague for a week before I hit Budapest on Oct 26. I’m doing a RS Prague Budapest tour with 3 days before it starts and 10 days after it ends on my own.
I did wonder about booking the train to Vienna. There seems to be quite a few possibilities a day to do it and don’t really need to book it weeks in advance?

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21551 posts

Buying tickets the night prior on line might cost $10 to $15 more than 2 weeks in advance. On the odd chance a train is booked, there is another in an hour. Think of it as a convenience cost. It's a short trip, the trains are fine, buy the cheapest ticket that has a travel time under 2:45.

The RS tour in Budapest is sort of uneventful, so the extra days are good. You might want to change to a hotel better located than the RS hotel, too.