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Need help with opera webpage

Hello! I'm trying to book "Swan Lake" at the opera house for Oct.16 but the webpage doesn't allow me to choose seats or buy tickets…it just keeps spinning and spinning. Suggestions?

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123 posts

In case someone else is having this problem: I finally gave up trying to ticket through the opera house and went to a booking service and was able to complete the transaction quickly and easily.

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406 posts

We booked our tickets (this was a year ago) through the jegymester site too. I think that was actually where we were linked to from the Opera's page.

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2938 posts

Indeed, it is the jegymester ticket site. It will give you a complete seating chart of what is available for each performance, pick your own.
Have used this twice from here, 2011, and last month. Works fine, takes your credit card with direct conversion at exchange rate, our card does not have the dreaded foreign transaction fee. You will be e-mailed a pdf file to print your tickets, although I believe you can specify for pick-up on site.

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2938 posts

Disappointing, we are in Budapest 10/5-12, we chose that week over the 12-19 week when we were offered a choice of two reservations. Had we but known we would have gone later (and that would have had us leave Philly a week later, rather than 9/29, when we have to hope that all the problems with the Pope's visit have cleared out and our roads, transit, and the airport are functioning normally, something we ALSO forgot to consider when we booked booked this trip. For those not from around here, Philadelphia and nearby areas are practically on martial law for that weekend.)

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2938 posts

James, thanks. We bought tix for Otello on the 9th when we booked the trip (and was pleased to see the jegermester site still had my log on info from 2011) and saw that we will see the Marathon on the 11th, that route is fantastic and makes me wish I could still run. We also saw that the Art Market in Millenaris will be ongoing that week and looks interesting, as we are staying at the Bellevue it's almost just down the street. Sekler Cakefest is going on the list. And as you well know, there is just the endless losing ourselves wandering Budapest. Unfortunately, we arrive on the 5th and miss Fledermaus.

I meant to apologize on my prior post for hijacking the thread! But since we are both here here, did I read the transit site correctly and can now buy our transit tix from machines in the Airport? In 2011, it was from a tobacco (or such) stand there, and for some reason they had the individual tickets and the books of 10, but looked at me funny when we asked for the combo transfer ticket.

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21554 posts

At the airport I am not certain, but I will be there in a few weeks and look. The ticket machines are in all the metro stops and I am pretty certain I saw some at tram stops as well, so in the airport is a good probability. I used them and it's pretty easy. I paid cash so I don't know if there is any problem with US non chip credit card.

Since you are staying in Buda you might want to get a multi day card since you are so far from the center and will be riding the metro a lot ....... or I guess taking long walks?

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21554 posts

No criticism intended.

Added by edit to reduce hijacking (hey, they got their answer)

It’s beautiful city and in that regard rivals any city in Europe. But what kept bringing us back was the quality and the character of the people and a culture that was reminiscent in many ways of the US about 40 years ago. So I do understand your choice in accommodations. I go to a cukrászda in a very sketchy part of District VIII because of the people, use a Citibank branch because of the people, have favorite market and junk shop and dine in half a dozen restaurants because of the people; and yes, despite having a washer and dryer use the laundry on O utca (3 blocks from where I stay) because of the dear woman who runs it. It’s always like coming home. Oh, on the subject, when visiting the laundry stop at the little butcher shop on Hajos utca and buy a link to eat at the bench out front. If you get lucky the angry butcher with the beard and big knife will assist. He’s a trip as he grunt questions and demands answers. Love it. Good links too.

The Bellvue is in a very pretty setting and I have never heard anything but outstanding comments about it. But if a first time in Budapest tourist is tight on time or any tourist is not so athletically inclined they need to know that at about 2 km horizontally and 100 feet vertically it’s a 30 minute walk to Deak Ferenc ter (sort of the epicenter of tourism on your first trip).

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2938 posts

We stayed at Bellevue last time. We are walkers, and do not mind at all walking into Pest from there, it's a great walk. In fact, first thing the next morning will be a walk to the laundry on O Ut. Probably one 10 pack for the week will suffice, now that we know we can get the discounted combo ticket for the trips to and from the airport (with cash of course, no non-chip cc).

For any other Bellevue fans out there, Judit is apparently seriously ill and hospitalized with major surgery. This comes from my back and forth emails with their son Andras while making this booking, and noting also comments on TA that fail to mention her. Andras is apparently doing the business end for her while Lajos takes care of the daily. I will post any additional info I hear in October after our trip.

As I hijack this thread further. James, I am getting as bad as you :-)

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2938 posts

But it is only 600 meters, under 10 minutes, to Batt Ter. Downhill. And one can always take a bus up from Pest to near their location...

Yes, there is something special about Budapest that we noted on our prior trip, and we have been trying to plan another trip back since then. We were e-mailed some fare specials for the fall from Lufthansa, and rapidly put this together, combining this with several days in Istanbul first (hey, you gotta do two locations to get the most out of these flights!)

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21554 posts

Batthyány tér is one of the first Hungarian words i tried to pronounce. With plenty of help and about 10 minutes of trying i still failed. From Batthyány tér the fastest way to the center of Pest is the M2 metro. The walk, wait time and a $1.25 ticket should get you into the heat or Pest in under 20 minutes. The H5 also leaves this station for Szentendre. I know you know this. Its for anyone else following this.

Be careful. It you keep coming back you will end up like me.

The Budapest - Istanbul link is a good one. June 2014 we flew into Sofia then fly fished our way across Bulgaria to Istanbul then flew to Budapest. Yup, ever trip requires two destinations at a minimum. This past June it was a few days of fly fishing in the High Tatras of Slovakia combined with Budapest. One year it was Jerusalem and Budapest (non stop was about $300 RT) and another year we did Orthodox Christmas in Red Square and Budapest (again about $200 RT). In a few weeks it is Dubrovnik, Kotor, Budva, Belgrade and Budapest. We have also paired it with Vienna a few times, Prague, about half of Romania, Bulgaria twice (love Bulgaria) and Slovakia 3 times (love slovakia too). I have figured out good trips to Lviv, Kiev, Budapest (fishing again) and Uzbekistan (fishing again) and Budapest; both for the spring but haven't decided which one yet. February will probably be Cologne and Budapest.

No, not rich. I set up a business in Budapest which makes this possible.

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123 posts

Well, James, the pig slaughtering festival certainly would be something unique! From "Swan Lake" to newly deceased swine - certainly not the same-old same-old. We just may check that out. :)