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Lake Balaton-Siófok to Ljubljana

Any recommendations on a driver/taxi service from Lake Balaton-Siófolk to Ljubljana? Flix Bus is a middle of the night departure on my date (which I do not want to do) and the train takes between 11-12 hours. I’m considering canceling Siófok and leaving straight from Budapest to Ljubljana because of this transportation snafu. Any help greatly appreciated! Thank you

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16895 posts

The early and late train departures are much faster than midday:

dep 08:15

arr 09:05

Transfer time 11 min.

dep 09:16

arr 16:34


dep 16:57

Zagreb Glavni kolodvor
arr 21:05

Transfer time 15 min.

Zagreb Glavni kolodvor
dep 21:20

arr 23:39

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7 posts

Thanks all for your suggestions and help. We’ve got it figured out now.

Much appreciated!

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7 posts

Thank you for asking, James E. We decided to nix Lake Balaton and add an extra day in Budapest and will gain another day in Ljubljana. We will take the bus and arrive during daytime hours. This seemed to be our best bet...
looking very forward to our visit!

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21555 posts

Its too bad you couldnt find an intermediate stop on the way to Ljubljana.

When we went to Dubrovnik from Budapest it bacame the perfect opportunity to see Belgrade. Something that we otherwise might have skipped. The flight was Budapest to Belgrade for about $50, two nights in Belgrade (but I would have thought it worth it if we had spent one night), then another $50 flight to Dubrovnik. For me that is easier than 8 hours on a bus. But I know a lot of people are very adverse to short flights. I will say, it they go through major airports I would be too. But the airports are more like bus stations in places like Belgrade, Dubrovnik, Podgorica, etc.... And Wizzair is as close to a bus with wings as you can get....