I once left a roll of American toilet paper in an AirBnb and received a message: "send more!"
You might be inclined to want to send a thank you gift to someone you met here. The trouble is it will have to go through customs and the recipient will have to pay a fee. That is if they receive it at all. The system here is terrible. Most packages never make it and many show up back in the States 6 months later.
A way around it is Amazon.de.
Even Texas products are available. https://www.amazon.de/Oaieltj-Baseball-Fashion-Printed-Adjustable/dp/B09DT4W2JR/ref=mp_s_a_1_14?crid=EHGSMSC3QYAG&keywords=texas+flagge+hut&qid=1660300209&sprefix=texas+flag+hat%2Caps%2C414&sr=8-14