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Free senior transit in Budapest

I had read all seniors (65+) ride free on buses, trams and metros in Budapest a couple months back... But today, I read that only EU citizens are included in that free ride deal. I guess I can ride free as I have an EU passport, but the rest of my group cannot? Any idea how I find the out which is correct without getting fined or paying for a pass I may not need?

Thanks, Bill

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5094 posts

Bill, I haven’t been since October and it was free for all seniors then. But obviously things can change. I know we had some forum members there in Dec.

I just spent some time on the BKK app and it was “helping me find the right solution”. I chose “visiting”, then the next choice was “over 65” and free. End of the line.

The absolute best way to know for sure is to go to the BKK office at the airport or train station and ask.

Where did you read that it had changed?

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1375 posts

I was there the first week of December - there were many fare checkers deployed, especially at the M1 entrances. It was usually enough to remove my hat and they waved me through - in one case I was asked to show an ID. On the tram to the great market hall a fare Inspector was shaking down a young couple - they may have been Spanish - their excuse was that they "didn't know" - it looked like they were going to have to pay as I got off.

At the airport I boarded the 100E bus and the fare Inspector barely looked at me. Free for over 65 is indeed valid for all.

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21691 posts

Yup, still free. And no tourists get a shake down. And not knowing the rules is not an excuse; and yes, you will pay if you dont take the time to read the rules. I watch the inspectors every day. They are polite, which is more than I can say for a lot of the tourists thst show up with attitude and pre conceived notions. .

Posted by
632 posts

FYI for anyone reading the thread...
I was there in December. Being a "youthful" 63 I bought the transit pass. I was asked three time in six days to show my pass and passport (name verification). All encounters were very polite. My husband at 69 rode everywhere for free (US passport not EU). He was never asked but the first time he showed his passport for age and they sort of smiled and humored him. The metro, buses and trams were very easy to use.

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21691 posts

Renee, ten years ago it was a bit different. The metro cops were a bit "gruff". I dont know what happened, but its like they all got sent to sensitivity training classes. I have seen them stop a group of 5 tourists who didnt validate their tickets, make each pay the 12.000 and stil have them saying thankyou and laughing when they parted.

I do my part to help out the tourists when I ride the older trams (47, 48, 49, 2, 23, 2B). I sit by the validation machine and when I see people sticking tickets in, and pulling them out and sticking them back in, each time expecting something to happen. But the old tram machines arent electric, they are mechancial. I take their ticket and validate if for them. I was a hero for a group of spanish a few weeks back. You would think I hung the moon.

If when approaching an inspector (when there are inspectors .... not terribly often), the inspector looks me in the eyes, I will reach in my pocket for my wallet. Most of the time they will say jo napot before I get it out and wave me trough. A few times I have gotten it all the way out and begun to hold it where they can see my residency card, but no one has ever actually looked at it. They just wave me trough. I used to point to my head (old and balding) but one inspector stopped me to tell me bald guys had to pay too .... then laughed and waved me on.