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Free Concerts in Budapest

Free Summer Concerts

Spinoza Cafe

Dinner Concert on Friday night and Free Thursday street music at Dob Street at the Carl Lutz Memorial every Thursday afternoon from May to September . This year, the 20-year-old Spinoza Theater is offering free concerts as a birthday present to the locals and all residents of Budapest.

The twenty-week programs feature more than seventy musicians and singers. Performers include Ferenc Jávori, Tamás Dunai, Dóra Szinetár, Péter Gerendás, Gergely Nógrádi, Judit Klein, the Sabbathsong Klezmer Band, Balázs Fellegi, Kristóf Darvas and many others. The concerts feature klezmer music and cheerful Jewish melodies, but there is no shortage of evergreens, film and musical hits.

Hungarian Music House

Mostly free outdoor concerts.

Not Free but All Summer

Béla Bartók National Concert Hall:

Dinner with Music

Mezzo Music Restaurant
Giero Pub
Kacsa Étterem
Opus Jazz Club
RICO Restaurant and Music Bar
Ladó Café
Little Budapest Restaurant & Piano Bar
Rézkakas Bistro
Kéhli Vendéglő
Kis Kulacs

and a dozen others......

Posted by
21551 posts

Since my first trip to Budapest about 20 years ago, its always been the music that made it special. This really isnt a place to go to visit old churches; it is better as a cultural experience. From that point of view:

Ruin Pubs
Roma (Gypsy)
Cold War
Bath Houses

Posted by
172 posts

I'm going to enjoy both since I have 5 days pre-cruise and 2 days post-cruise. I'm seeing the Opera, a circus and I've already made two reservations for rooftop bars/restaurants (hopefully they're worth it). I most likely will skip the Ruin Bars since I'm travelling a solo female, I feel more comfortable heading back to my hotel at around 8 instead of staying out too late. But I also have tons of sightseeing planned to see including a visit to the basilica, Parliament and a museum or two plus a couple of day trips that I mentioned on another post. I also have some relaxation planned. And now, I have some summer in Budapest music to look forward to. :-)

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21551 posts

Opera: If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, look here: and if possible get “First Floor Lodge” 9 thru 11 right or left: the parlor for intermission is right behind (look here: those boxes are right and left of the large arch in the center (where the PM sits) and remember, their first floor is our second floor (I like this photo because I am in it:!Ai7Zk-szxfTJiOwgrgK6XUf1EY2phQ?e=Mi5giO )

Three other favorites for me are the Operett Theater (sort of like Broadway musicals) in a lovely turn of the century theater; the Opus Jazz Club (a dinner concert hall); and the Liszt Academy performances.

I understand you wanting to get home early and not to convince you otherwise, but to maybe put you more at ease before 8pm: personal assault in Budapest is extremely rare and in the areas, you will find yourself in, in 20 years I have never heard of or read of anyone having an issue.

Still, unlike Vienna for instance where everything is bright and polished, Budapest is still very much a work in progress when it comes to renovation and the streets can be narrow, often dark and in appearance quite sketchy at times; but it’s pretty common to see young ladies walking home from work, alone, after dark.

Posted by
172 posts

I actually purchased my Opera ticket in March. I'm seeing The Magic Flute. The performance is sold out now except for a few box seats and a couple on the floor. I am close to the front and center--Row 4 Seat 8. I'm hoping it's a good seat. That picture is so gorgeous!

I've looked at the Jazz Club. That totally appeals to me.

I may stay out a few nights as I become more comfortable. We'll see. When I travelled alone to Italy, I was out later than 8, so I may decide to do that in Budapest as well. A neighbor told me that Budapest was the only place she saw armed guards when she got off the ship, so I'm a bit wary.

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21551 posts

Your neighbor must have gone a long time ago; or just happened upon something unique. I rarely see police and half the time they dont have guns. Occasionally i guess, like during elections or when there are protests... dont even see many of those these days. Security and police and the like no more and probably less than you would expect to see here.

Posted by
172 posts

Very cool. I'm sure I'll get acclimated pretty quickly. I did in Italy. I love travelling alone. I'm more approachable...of course that could be a negative gift as well. lol But I do tend to meet lots of lovely locals in my travels and only a few gave off the creepy signs. ;-)

Posted by
2350 posts

Thank you for those photos of the beautiful opera house, James. It was closed on our visit to Budapest. I look forward to going there in the future.