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Entrance into Budapest - J &J vaccine

I checked the Hungary Police website and it specifically states “Foreign Citizens arriving from abroad in passenger traffic, unless specified by law, shall not enter Hungary”. I checked the exceptions but being a tourist did not appear to be a reason to allow entry.

However, from recent posts on this forum, Hungary appears to be open for travel. I’m confused. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Also, Hungary appears to be a country that PCR tests are required instead of just showing your CDC vaccination card.

Does anyone know if the J&J vaccination is accepted in Hungary, Austria , Czech Republic and Poland?

Posted by
7290 posts

For Austria:

The following vaccines (including mix-and-match vaccines) are
recognised: BioNtech/Pfizer, AstraZeneca (Covishield), Johnson &
Johnson, Moderna, Sinovac, and Sinopharm. Please be aware that this
only applies to entering the country. During your stay in Austria,
only the vaccines approved by the EMA are accepted. Those are
BioNtech/Pfizer, AstraZeneca (but NOT Covishield), Johnson & Johnson
and Moderna.

Posted by
21555 posts

You mean Air Traffic. Read the last bullet point in the first section. 72 hour PCR test. I'm here, second trip in 2 months. No problems. Other Americans here too. US CDC card not accepted. Road and rail traffic from the EU is wide open with no restrictions.