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English Tour Tickets for the Opera House

Hello all! I'm trying to book tickets for a 3:00 pm English tour of the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest while we are on our BOEE tour in June. I seem to be having trouble finding where to do that. Anyone know if using BookinBudapest is a reliable website for it? If not, suggestions please. Thanks!

Posted by
9416 posts

There is a reason for that. Tours are suspended.
Scroll to the bottom of the website to where it says Guided Tour. Click on that. Then click on the 2nd photo that comes up. Photo says Opera Tour.
You’ll see that since September 2020 tours have been suspended for restoration. Then came Covid.

Travel will be affected for years because of the pandemic.

Posted by
1274 posts

Right, though given it is opening again in March here hopefully tours will be coming back too. I'll check back.

Posted by
21554 posts

The Opera House is re-opened and COVID restrictions are no longer an issue Just keep watching the website. I will be there in a few weeks, and I will be staying about 2 blocks from the Opera, so I will pop in one morning and check for you; maybe tour it too.

Posted by
172 posts

I'm looking forward to the visit! Hopefully, nothing derails it like my last planned trip. I also have tickets for The Magic Flute at the Opera House on July 23...I was very surprised to see shows offered at the Opera House in late July, as I thought the season would be over but they may be extending the season due to its long closure. I haven't been able to find any information on that.

Posted by
21554 posts

Eve, never before in my memory has the season extended beyond the first week in June, so yes, this is new and I suspect your are correct. I have always suspected that the theater season had something to do with the lack of air conditioning in the past; as well as time to create and practice the new programs.

An interesting architectural detail. You know those massive chandeliers in the center of the old opera houses? They served a second purpose. All the heat they generated created an updraft (there is a chimney above them) and that updraft pulled air through the theater. It was the ventilation.

I have tickets on 25 March. To get the seat I wanted I had to buy the box so if anyone is in town i have several extra tickets.

Posted by
172 posts

That is a real cool architectural detail. I had no idea.

Posted by
1194 posts

Hi from Wisconsin,
Consider a performance over a tour. I found that upper level seats are priced lower than the tour. You get to see the building and see a performance. you can select seat and book on line.
wayne iNWI

Posted by
172 posts

I actually have tickets to see The Magic Flute but I got very close to the stage floor seats. I considered a box but chose the floor instead. I've always enjoyed being close to the stage. I'll be taking a tour as well, though. I can't wait to see Budapest. I haven't been to Europe since 2017. I had a trip planned in October 2020, but something got in the way....hmmmm, I wonder what that was? The ship also goes to Slovakia and Austria. Do you think since the Ukraine is only 14 hours from Bratislava that they'll have to redirect us somewhere else? I hope not...and cancellation is out of the question. I refuse to cancel my plans again. lol

Posted by
21554 posts


Oh, the Ukraine border is only about a 3.5 hour drive from Budapest :-) ... From that point (Budapest) the Danube moves further from the border as you head up river..

But I wouldn't worry.

Posted by
15255 posts

After watching two programs on PBS recently featuring Budapest in which the Opera House was among the sites shown, I am much more motivated to see it now by way of a guided tour, which presumably are conducted in French and German too, all the better. Seeing the Opera House is now priority.

Posted by
172 posts

Oh, goodness...I guess I was off by just a few hours...try I mapped it without using a city so I bet it was giving me the center of the Ukraine to Hungary instead of from the border. Hopefully, the war, if it's still occurring, won't affect my trip. And also sending prayers to the Ukraine as well...I realized how selfish I sounded in regards to my trip when innocent people are losing their lives and possible freedoms.

Posted by
21554 posts

Eve, its all good. If during your travels you come upon some refuges (unlikely unfortunately) just dig deep and help.

Fred, here is the link for the tours. Sorry, you will have to do it in English (or Hungarian):

But dont stop there. Visit the newly opened Eiffel Art Center and Hungarian House of Music. This city is doing amazing things.

Posted by
15255 posts

@ James....Thanks for the link. I'll just have to wait until I get there to inquire about the availability of tours given in French or German. That applies also to other sites, eg, the Parliament Building and other cultural sites.

Posted by
172 posts

I definitely will help any refugees I happen upon. It's just so sad. I'm helping them as we speak, as well...I hope to God this madman is stopped soon.