For July through October:
- Conde Nast on things to do in Budapest:
- Classic Rail Trips in around and from Budapest:
- National Equestrian Theater Shows every month
Wine Tasting Half Marathon - 1 cellar, 1 evening, 21 wines, 11
January. Write me for details.Gourmet wine dinner - The harmony of fine wines and delicious food,
18 January. Write me for details
February 14, 2025, they can enjoy their dinner on the Candlelight
Express. Departs from Budapest-Nyugati railway station and runs to
Gödöllő. It is an authentic experience to eat dinner on a steam
locomotive-hauled train. Live music entertains our passengers in a
saloon car.Borjour Magnum is the largest indoor wine tasting event in Hungary
with the participation of more than 200 wineries and other
exhibitors, with master classes and the opportunity to taste more
than 1,000 wines. 15 February Market 16 February. February the Semmering Express train (Austria). Several lookouts
can be visited, even free of charge, from where you can admire the
picturesque mountain ranges.Mohácsi busójárást 27th until 4th of March. A carnival celebration
dating back to before the Ottoman occupation. The entire town
celebrates. Cold, but worth the effort to attend. I might know an
easier way to get there and back and you can make a day trip out of
- Mohácsi busójárást February 27th until 4th of March (see February)
March 02, Special Train Tour. You can visit the town of Mohács and
the winter cemetery carnival of the Sokác. Our train departs from
Budapest, and after arriving in Mohács it will be possible to see the
boat crossing of the Busók, folk dance shows, the afternoon Busó
parade and Busó inauguration. On board the train you can travel in
comfortable air-conditioned carriages and you can enjoy breakfast and
dinner.Hungarian National Day 15 March.,heroes%20of%20the%201848%20Revolution.Purimfeszt TBD Lovers Grand tasting event at the Corinthia Hote, 29 March 150+ Hungarian exhibitors,
700+ Hungarian items, 100+ top Hungarian and international wines in a
special room, pop-up performances all day, VIP exclusive lounge