James E.
I saw you replied to a message regarding doing a day trip from Vienna to Budapest. My family and I will be doing this trip in December, before Christmas vacation. I would really like to see the Fisherman's Bastion, and other "old world" architecture, as I like to design in that style, being an architect. Grand buildings, such as Budapest Castle, don't interest me as much, though I would see them if we had more time. I'm also very intrigued by the fact that Budapest is basically built upon another ancient city.
If you don't mind, do you have any ideas that would fit this type of itinerary? Say arrive 8am and leave 9pm, with plenty of time for meals and breaks? I appreciate anything you can share.
Best Regards,
Budapest is a 19th century creation when the towns of Buda, Pest and Obuda were joined to create Budapest. In Obuda you can find the remains of Aquincum which served as a Roman regional capital. Not spectacular but worthy of a visit if such things interest you. In Pest there are some remnants of Contra Aquincum which I believe was more of a fortification than a city. That is about the extent of one city built upon another except for some of the natural layering of medieval to baroque to modern.
Most of Pest that you see today was constructed for the 1896 millennium celebrating 1000 years of Magyar rule in the region. So by most European standards Pest is a pretty modern city. Buda does have some medieval structures near the castle but nothing like Prague. The Fisherman’s Bastion was constructed for the 1896 celebration and the one you see today is largely a recreation, as most of Buda was hammered flat during the Second World War.
You might be interested in the 16th / 17th century Turkish Bath Houses (Király, Rudas, Veli Bej, and Rácz Baths) but I am not really sure what you mean by “old world style” so I am not sure I can do much to help you so I will post your question and maybe we can get you the information you are interested in.
The 6:13 am train out of Vienna arrives in Budapest at 9:09 am. The best return train would the 9pm that arrives in Vienna just before midnight.
If you were to do some research and tell me what interests you the most in Budapest I bet we could put together a tour; part walking, part tram, part subway, etc………………
We have a member here who has made a couple of day trips to Budapest. Maybe he will chime in with ideas.