Sorry if this has been asked before--I did search but the search function isn't the greatest. Someone in an old trasit thread mentioned keeping ID on you if you get a pass. I abhor travelling with my passport (unless, you know, I am actively travelling across borders) and I lock it in the safe as soon as I land at my accommodation. Would a combination of a copy of my passport + my Canadian driver's license suffice if I need ID?
Also if anyone has advice on transit passes, I'd appreciate it. We will be in town for 5 days so probably would need a week?
Side topic, I spent a month on business in Budapest in 2018. At that time we had excellent local hosts, and they did everything for us, with the constant exhortation that "Hungary is hard for foreigners". This included getting our transit passes for us in advance, as well as setting up cell phones for us. We were also advised that it was very difficult for foreigners to rent cars (we were looking to leave the city on the weekend), and one of our local colleagues ended up volunteering to drive. Is this legit (or legit still), or were they just trying to be extra helpful hosts? We will get sim cards for our phones before we arrive in Hungary, which should still work in Hungary according to the vendor. Also we are considering renting a car for a couple of days to go to Eger, though we haven't weighed the pros and cons of rental vs public transit yet.