Sorry my thoughts ramble on for so long......
The response wasnt so much about if one likes or doesnt like the market, it was about "travel so far".
If you go to Prague, the vast majority of the tourism exists within the Old Town and Castle District. In Vienna withint the Ringstraße. In each city, that is about 1.5 square miles.
In Budapest, if you were to draw a tight circle that takes in the Buda Castle District, City Park, Margrit Island, and the Great Market Hall, you are looking at about 10 square miles. But thats not a bad thing because if you like one square block of Budapest then you need to know that the same, but constantly changing in scale and in detail, goes on for 10 square miles and well beyond that in all honesty.
Anthony Bourdain
So we are taking a very unique, very personal look at what is, without
question, one of Europe’s most stunningly beautiful cities. I was
kicking myself throughout the shoot for the fact that I hadn’t been
there earlier. If you are into architecture porn, Budapest is for you.
One incredible building after another. Block after block of what is
simply an incredible mix of styles, the imaginations of the creators
gone wild during the city’s years of empire. It is really something to
see. And I felt like a total rube arriving so late. What took me so