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Cities to visit between Prague and Budapest

My husband and I are going on a guided tour to Budapest, Vienna and Prague. I have added 5 pre nights in Budapest and two post nights in Prague. I was thinking of taking a bus from the Budapest airport upon arrival and going to Bratislava.. However, I hear a lot of pros and cons about Bratislava. Should we go there or consider going somewhere else? We would like to follow an itinerary like that of a river cruise on the Danube and possibly go to Bratislava, Durnstein, Melk, Krem, Wachau Valley, Linz, Passau, Deggendorf, Regensburg and Cesky Krumlov. We then have to loop back to Budapest to start our guided tour that will take us from Budapest, Vienna and end in Prague. Is this plan too ambitious? Can it be done by bus or train or is it better to rent a car? Besides the mode of transportation, I am having some logistical issues, such as: taking the best scenic routes, where to stay and how to manage the luggage? If anyone has done anything similar, your input, details and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I need help! Thanks in advance.

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4637 posts

I answered the same question under Czech Republic. Cities on the train line between Prague and Budapest are Brno and Bratislava.

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21556 posts

Sure, you can do that and it would be interesting but the round trip seems to be a bit extreme. I would add to the list Gyor and the Archabbey at Pannonhalma.

Better, since you have so much time, take a meaningful side trip. Budapest is a fantastic hub for discount airlines and there are non-stops all over Eastern Europe for under $120 round trip. I am just guessing you already have your international flight tickets and are arriving in Budapest and departing Prague.

So how about a few days on the Adriatic Sea?
Great Hotels with views

Followed by a drive up to the mountains?
and stay in a lovely resort

I picked two random dates, Budapest to Podgorica on October 9 and returning on the 16th. Wizzair, round trip, nonstop in 1:15 starts at $36.00. Yes, thats right $36.00. With luggage, seat assignments, etc figure $105.00 round trip. Hotels about $80 a night for the best 4 star hotels in the old town and a cabin in a mountain resort. A tour guide is about $100 a day. But you wouldnt need one every day.....

For my taste, better than driving circles.

If you want to store luggage in Budapest, you want the Lions Locker on Vasvari Pal utca.

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1194 posts

Hello from Wisconsin,

You might go to Eger, Hungary. The Hotel Senator is a wonderful small place to stay, we were treated better here than any place in the world we have stayed. Magical. Read the reviews for the Senator, they are enough to make you go to Eger just to stay there. Eger is big enough to occupy you for an over night or two, but too small for the big buses. Take the 'toy train' to the wine caves for tastings. Bring an empty plastic water bottle with you so you can buy wine from the barrel.

We bussed to Eger from Budapest's Deli Pu station and took a train home. The bus drops you a short walk from the Hotel Senator and town square while the train station is a longer walk from the center of town. Lovely place with several restaurants serving really nice food.

If I recall correctly Eger has a minaret from the Ottoman days.

wayne iNWI