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Budapest train station - Beware thieves getting on train

I am posting to make everyone to be aware of this incident . We were spending a few days in Budapest and then we proceeded to Budapest Kelenfold station to start our journey to Vienna.

Upon boarding the train we put one of our backpack on the train rack alongside our luggage . Within minutes , the backpack was stolen from the train rack . The train was still in Budapest station but was leaving in 5 minutes .

We looked for our backpack and someone said he saw 2 guys running with it out of the train .

We filed police report but nothing can be done . In meantime lost one passport , money and electronics .

Please secure your luggage overhead by a bike lock and keep backpack in your seat . Usually we don’t put passport bag inside backpack . It was unfortunately there and when inside train did not expect non passenger / thief to get inside train and take bags and leave .

Also station is full of beggars asking for money though they appear to be be dressed ok .

Hope this helps others be vigilant on Europe train .

Posted by
4680 posts

Oh wow! That is hard! Hopefully it wasn’t a lot of money. Did you have to miss your train by filing the police report? Will you get your replacement in Vienna?

Posted by
6 posts

No we went ahead with journey and filed a report at Vienna police . Of course they don’t do much but at least we have a report for insurance . We did call Budapest police and filed another report over phone . Again nothing will be done , just hoping more we post these incidents the more aware people are in future . We were able to get an emergency passport at the embassy in Vienna .

Posted by
4680 posts

It’s a hassle for sure, but I am glad you didn’t let it ruin your trip.

By the way, welcome to the forum!

Posted by
19778 posts

That’s horrible. As for the passport and money, we all get lax from time to time. So no criticism there.

I live here and once left a camera bag (with camera) in a bar. Took me about 90 minutes to get back to the bar (it was a long day couldn’t remember which one I left it in). I got very lucky when I walked in, and the waitress handed it to me. Good thing I tipped her when I was there. Maybe it helped her to remember me. But it could have gone the same as it did for you. Now the camera bag or if only my little cross body bag never gets off me, even on a train or in a bar. So it takes one experience to learn (for me).

If you got hit at Kelenfold, then at least you can rest assured that they weren’t there looking for tourists, for that they would go to Keleti or Nyugati where 85% of the tourists travel from.

This is a very poor country. The median income in Hungary is about $800 a month, but I presume Budapest is somewhat higher than Hungary as a whole; but still very poor. They define poverty here at half that number so on paper the poverty rate is low. But imagine living on $400 a month?

Depending on how you defined “homeless” Hungary has no less than 10.000 homeless and I would suspect while 20% of the population lives in Budapest, at least half of the homeless live here. Interesting, I looked up the statistics and there is a higher homeless rate in France. I was surprised.

With income and homeless numbers like that begging is not uncommon and seeing someone sleeping in a park is also not uncommon; and unfortunately petty theft is not terribly uncommon. But it’s rarely pickpockets, more generally if you leave it by the front door it will be gone in 10 minutes. None of this is terribly common in the tourist areas of Buda or Pest but it happens.

A few weeks ago I witnessed the police taking a homeless gentleman into custody. The care and respect they showed was really something the locals should be proud of. These homeless people, for the most part, are not homeless because of a lack of opportunity, there are other things going on that prevent them from taking care of themselves. So respect is called for.

If you add all my time here together I have about 6 years, and thanks to G-d, I have never been a victim. To be honest you are the second victim I have ever “met”, never met or even heard of a pick pocket victim, but I do know things happen here like everywhere. I don’t live with blinders on.

But this is why we travel. To learn the condition of the world. The good and the not so good and to see the consequences of decision making in a culture.

And in nearly 40 years of travel I have been the attempted victim of a pickpocket once, but she failed (Paris), and have only met the victim of one pick pocket who got hit on a tram in Vienna. So I think the world is better than we make it out to be sometimes. Hard to remember that though, when its you they got. Again, very sorry it happened. Sounds like you handled it very well and didn’t let it spoil the trip. Means you are a step above many.

G-d bless and travel safe.

Posted by
19778 posts

And since you have come to our happy little forum for this, why dont you stay a while and contribute a trip report. I know eveyrone here would love it.

Posted by
877 posts

I am very sorry about this theft. Thanks for taking the time to post about it to warn others.

Posted by
6 posts

Thanks Texasmom and everyone for the welcome . Yes hope I can contribute more to the forum . V useful stuff.

Mr E - thanks for your insight and detailed response . By browsing other sites and forums , TripAdvisor was one , I saw many reports of bags stolen from the train ( just before train departure ) in kelenfold and other stations . If there is even a few this year reported on forum imagine other 100 not reported . It was my spouse bag, I don’t let anything leave my sight and wrap it around cross body . I guess we never expected a non passenger to get into the train and start swiping bags that people are putting overhead and bolt out before train takes off .
So hoping to create awareness that one can’t go lax . It was on the Regiojet train .

Thanks again

Posted by
2577 posts

Thanks for the reminder to stay vigilant. So sorry this happened to you!

Posted by
19778 posts

At times like this, I wish everyone had my number. My guess is that they only took the bag far enough to dig through it, then dropped it. I live about 20 min away on the metro. I might have been able to find it and what was left. Good chance the passport would have been there as they have no value.

Yes, unfortunately, it does happen. The station handles over 6 million passengers a year, so it is bound to happen. All my stuff above was not meant to diminish your horrible experience. Never should happen, and nothing you did was wrong.

We would still love the trip report.

Posted by
6 posts

Ah, thank you . Will definitely submit trip report this week . I needl to know what info people post there usually . Yes definitely being in this forum is super useful and I think I got my hotel recommendations too from one of the forum here .. when I wasn’t a member .
. I think it would have been useful to know the members who live there and could have helped definitely . Appreciate it .. definitely will visit again . Loved every bit of Budapest except for the last day ..

Posted by
19778 posts

For the trip report everyone is different. Some write volumes, me I generally do more of the functional information because I'm not a good writer. Some want to read about the attractions and food, me I love to read about personal interactions and culture. All that stuff i wrote about above is what I love to learn about a place and what I go looking for. It's one thing to see how things are, another to try and understand why. But I'm strange.

Maybe some day there will be a place on the forum for helpers. We have members all over Europe, and I know a few that would come running. I enjoy it and get the opportunity to help from time to time. I figure it's a debt I owe because others have helped me so many times. If anyone were to click on my name it goes to my profile where I have some travel notes on Budapest and in the notes is my email. I wish others living here would do the same. Often people don't know what to ask and a little unsolicited advice is great.