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Budapest to Salzburg via train

Does anyone know what the walk up fare is for this trip. Wanting to book for 2 people on 20th Dec for 7.10am train but the website shows nothing available. As I understand, the website only shows any special fares and once they are sold out, you have to buy full fare at the station. Hard to believe they have already sold out since they only went on sale last night. Any help appreciated.

Posted by
21554 posts

I love Budapest but I cant stand the MAV website. You would think they could do better that that miserable thing. The only thing I enjoy about it is that if I google Elvira Mav; somewhere between Elvira and Mav some photos pop up on google that bring back good memories...............even if she is about 80 now. Back to the subject. There is no 7:10 on Saturday as near as I can tell. If there was it would be no more than 83.80 euro walk up. That would also be the most I suspect for any train that day to Salzburg out of Budapest. (go to the DB Bahn website).

Other options: call them. Have your hotel concierge call them, stay in Budapest (my preferred best option).

Posted by
12 posts

Thanks James

The ticket I want has finally shown need to put in Budapest to Munich. We will just jump off at Salzburg though. Another question though. As you said, the website is horrible. I've selected the train I wanted, clicked on the seat reservation but there is no way to proceed to actually buy the ticket. Do you know the trick??? I've done a lot of travel over the years and I've never seen a website quite like it. Thanks for your help.
I like your tip about staying in budapest but unfortunately other cities call. We unfortunately only have 2 1/2 days in town but better than nothing. I've heard nothing but good things.

Posted by
4181 posts

Hello . If you go further down this thread , you will find ( back to May ) a post entitled " buying international train tickets on Hungarian Rail site " . You will find my posts describing the sales procedure in detail . Hope this helps

Posted by
12 posts

Hi, it would seem that for some reason the "add to sales cart" tab is currently missing. It may have something to do with the new timetable that has just been released. When I look at tickets prior to 13 Dec the tab appears, but anything after that date it doesn't. Oh well, might send them a message and ask when the tickets will be available to buy online. Thanks for your help

Posted by
12 posts

Thanks everyone. I have tried the German website but unfortunately it is about 100 Euros more expensive then if I could just get the Mav website to work!!!! I think it definately has something to do with the date and the new timetable. Who knows. Tried to send a comment off and what do you is missing the tab that says "send comment". I'm hoping this comedy of errors isn't an indication of our visit to this wonderful city. I'll keep trying.

Thanks again

Posted by
4181 posts

As worldinbetween says , register on the site and try again . I did just that , and buying the tickets was a breeze . It only takes a few minutes and is certainly worth a try . I have registration on pretty much all of the European rail sites and find that it markedly smooths the way . Bahn .de is the best approach for Deutsche Bahn .

Posted by
16895 posts

The direct RailJet service on that route is operated by Austria and is for sale on the German DB site. Since it's not a Hungarian train, I doubt that the price would be any cheaper in Hungary. The second-class fare is €83.80 per person, as mentioned earlier, with no advance discounts. The train does not require reservations, but booking ahead would allow you to add a seat assignment to your order.

Posted by
12 posts

Thanks again.

Yes I have tried to registered, no better. Still missing that all important tab of "add to checkout"

Laura, on the MAV website, an advance purchase ticket can be purchased for 37.80 euro per person for the train I want, so a good saving. There are even cheaper tickets for other trains on the day at 28euro. I've also tried the OBB (Austrian) rail site and the 7.10am train is not available to purchase tickets.

Will keep trying. Cheers

Posted by
4181 posts

James is , as always , right on the mark . The hotel concierge , in a hotel like the Four Seasons , is in a position to bring you to heaven , as he is a member of the Society of the Crossed Keys . My comments may seem a bit odd , but if you watch the film " The Grand Budapest Hotel " ( which has not to do with Budapest specifically , only in sentiment ) you will understand my comments . The point is , that the concierge can get this done for you if all else fails , but do take care of this when you arrive at the hotel , giving adequate time to get it resolved .

Posted by
4181 posts

I think that what James wrote was with a wry smile and a bit of a wink in his eye !

Posted by
12 posts

If I was staying at the Four Seasons, the concierge would be buying my Business Class seats and I definitely wouldn't be doing all I can to get cheap 2nd class tickets.
Thanks for all your comments. I will let you know if I'm ever successful in buying these blasted tickets!!!

Posted by
21554 posts

When you arrive in Budapest go to the station and purchase them. Both of the major train stations are worth the time to see. Nyugati is an Eiffel creation and Keleti is pretty majestic and looks a little like Paris Nord. The French probably copied it :-)

Posted by
21554 posts

@Worldinbetween, I would trust your judgment over mine any day of the week on these things. There use to be a ticket office on Andrassy ut. Is that still there?

See my earlier post:

"Sorry. I'm not much help on the train website. I either buy in town
when I get there or I have a friend in town pick then up in advance.
Still, the best option is to just not leave Budapest."

Sorry we will miss you at Christmas.

Posted by
77 posts

There is a ticket office on Jozef Attila u. across from Erzebet ter. We have bought our tickets there for ongoing travels after we arrived in Budapest. For Salzburg buy a return ticket ( return with in 4 days) and it is cheaper.. this is what we have done. For example I see on the site it is 39 Euros for a ticket Dec. 20, return Dec 23! Have done this in 2013 & 2014. Whenever I have had questions I have emailed Mav Start and have received a reply within 24 hours.