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Budapest to Prague

Hello All,

I know there has been an influx of topics on the Keleti railway station and if trains are coming and going as usual. I have been closely monitoring the station and I'm confused if there will be any issues with us traveling from Keleti to Prague and if we should reserve tickets now for our October trip. Also, I just read that Austria closed it border to Hungary for international trains. We will also be traveling from the Czech Republic over to Austria as well. Does anyone know if there will be any stress coming into Austria from that border since the border is blocked from Hungary? I'm guessing the masses will divert to other countries bordering Austria now or are they going by bus still from Hungary.

I feel that I need buy train tickets now to insure that we have a spot instead of what I normally do and buy the day of. Any advice would help since this is an all new experience for everyone.

Thanks so much.

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I have been in communication with individuals who are attempting to drive from Vienna to Budapest and have discovered that the Austrians have closed the main highway to the Hungarian border; fortunately re routing only adds an hour to the trip. I have spent the last day and a half traveling so my info is that old.

If I were going to suggest an itinerary right now I would say fly to Budapest, then fly to Prague (about $125), then use a service like Bean Shuttle to take you to Cesky Krumlov one day and into Vienna the next. This keeps you out of train station and moving in the opposite direction of the immigrant flow when on the highways.

I wouldn't buy train tickets in advance. They are more expensive when you buy them through a broker and they might be worthless when you get to Budapest. If the trains are running the cars could be stacked to double capacity.