Arriving in Budapest last June for 3 days and then to Prague via Bratslavia and Vienna. Any suggested methods of travel or tips in making this trek. I saw a ferry than runs twice a week from ( and to ) Vienna which looks intriguing. It travels on the Danube for a while and then onto a canal. Has anyone taken this ferry? All thoughts appreciated. thank you
If you have 4 full days in Budapest and 3.5 full days in Vienna and 3 full days in Prague, then stopping in Bratislava makes sense is my first thought. But I'd rather use the time to stop in Cesky Krumlov. But that's just me.
For the Bratislava boat, look for videos on line.
I spent 17 days in Vienna last year. I spent about the same amount of time in Budapest between 2018 and 2024. I had less time in Prague back in 2018 because my legal time on the continent was running out, so I need to return there. I spent several days in Bratislava last year and enjoyed the city, but for most tourists it simply doesn't have the quantity or quality of sights available in Budapeast, Vienna and Prague. Therefore, I'm with Mr. E: Be sure you have enough time in the other three cities before adding Bratislava.
I'm concerned about "arriving in Budapest...for 3 days". Does that mean you have less than 3 full days there? Is it your first stop in Europe so you'll probably be dealing with jetlag?
If your time is limited (which I'm guessing it is, with only 3 days in Budapest), check the travel time for the ferry vs. the train. The boat may be a lot slower, in which case you have to decide whether you'd rather spend the time in the city or on the boat.
I guess i should have been more specific. I have a three week teaching gig in Prague and am able to get to Europe a few days early. I intend to fly into Budapest and spend 3 or 4 days. Then as i make my way to Prague my thought was to make a half day stop in Brataslavia en route to Vienna. Spend one night in Vienna then train to Prague. While in Prague i already have a side trip planned to CK. I have one other open weekend and plan to go back to Vienna to experience more of it......Am interested in any thoughts or transit ideas along this route. thanks for you replies.
Have you been to Vienna before? If not, spend all your time in Vienna. Unless you just love the idea of Bratislava. Then take the boat and enjoy.