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Budapest Lodging

Hello There. We are a family of 5 (One adult "kid" age 20, 12 year old, 9 year old, Mom & Dad). We are staying in Budapest in September for a week. I am looking for lodging - likely an apartment or airbnb rental as the hotels seem to not often accomodate 5 (even split between two rooms). There is a place that looks really nice on the Buda side near Castle Hill and Széllkapu park, but I am thinking that we will we regret being in this neighborhood? I feel like Pest side is more our speed. We like funkiness, cafes, markets, art. We're the frugal type, so a lower price is....always appreciated and we tend to just feel less comfortable in more fancy places. One other concern we have is not being in the center of the nightlife - we don't want to be kept up all night with partygoers. Can anyone recommend their top 2 or 3 neighborhoods to search in? (Side question, does anyone use a site other than It seems like the most reliable aggregator I have found, but i often wonder what I might be missing on other sites or paying a premium for the convenience.....). Thank you very much for your ideas and sharing any experiences you've had that might be helpful.

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21551 posts

Buda is probably the worst place for you to stay. You will spend all of your time on public transportation getting to Pest.

In Pest the worst place to stay would be identified as District VII as this is the party neighborhood. You can spot the district in the zip code of the address. It will be 107X. The X being any number. The 07 being the district.

For my taste of having the main things to see and do accessible but not in your lap, and for varity of things to do and for a little more maturity in the tourists would be District VI. That is the district divided by Andrassy ut and the closer to Andrassy ut the better you will be. I use to say stay inside the 4/6 tram loop, but as long as you are close to Andrassy ut you are close to the M1 Metro and you can be at the far end of Andrassy ut and still be just a few minutes from the river and everything inbetween.

We have had a number of RS types over the last six months rent apartments. Maybe they will chiime in with recommendations. I cant help much beyond telling you about locations because I live here and dont rent. But if you do find something promising, send me the name or address or listing and maybe I can tell you about the street and the neighborhood. Mabye TTM knows of a good 2 bedroom apartment for rent.

Use any of the platforms that meet your standards and needs. AirBnb will have the most listings. But if you see on on AirBnb you can copy some unique langage out of the listing and google that language and often get hits with other platforms or with the owner direct or his managment company.

Oh, funny about Széllkapu park. I go there fairly often. I was there today. I have adopted a new favorite bar very near and the clinic that most of my doctors work out of is very near. I like the area, but I live here so my perspective isnt going to be the same as a tourist. For a tourist I would call it a fairly uninspiring location next to an American Style shopping mall.

From the park, lets say you wanted to go to the Great Market Hall or the Dohany utca Syangogue; either are going to take you 30 minutes to reach on public transportation. And those are the close things. It gets longer from there. But the view will be good. That I will admit to. But you can do better.

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8 posts

Thank you Mr É ! This is very helpful and thorough information. I am focusing my search now on district 6 - It is so great to know the bit about deciphering the district using the zip code!! Glad to know my instincts were good about not staying on the Buda side. Though the park near your doctors office sounds like a nice place, it is probably not the best homebase for our stay. Please keep any recommendations coming. I have reserved a place at 1065 Budapest, Nagymező u.4., Hungary as of now, and will keep looking a bit in case I can find another that meets our needs.

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5074 posts

I find I have better luck finding apartments in Budapest on Air BnB (that’s not true of many other places).

I haven’t stayed in either of these, but they might suit (note, there now seem to be ads on the website, which is a little annoying, but I rent from this property manager).

Or something like this? (I did a random 3 night search in Nov, just for ideas.

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21551 posts

Nagymező utca 4 looks like this:,19.0621953,3a,75y,1.68h,105.67t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1scGwSEBjR0zM6Pi8lC5_ssg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&coh=205410&entry=ttu

I know the street well as I walk down it every evening at 9:30pm. And that building I was once in, maybe 15 years ago when I was looking for a place to live. Then, it was not yet much renovated and I passed. But I remember the courtyard was very cute.

I don’t remember if it had an elevator. Do keep in mind that in most of Europe that what we call the first floor, they call the ground floor. Then what we call the second floor, they call the first floor. Ground floor heights can be 20 feet or more, which is quite a climb.

The street isn’t terribly busy so it should be fairly quiet. There are two bus lines that go down it all day and all night, but they are electric trolly buses and make almost no noise.

In one direction you will get to Andrassy ut in about one long block. Andrassy ut is where them M1 metro is and is the prettiest street in Budapest. The other direction takes you to District VII which at night is the party district but during the day is the district that was once the Jewish Deportation Ghetto and is the where the icons of Judaism in Budapest can be found. Fascinating district.

A couple of very good restaurants on Nagymező utca and my favorite wine bar is right around the corner.

Okay, the next two I know the management company. They handle quite a few apartments around town. They are decent people. I have never been in either of them, so again, all I can talk about is location.

The Opera Apartment is on Revay utca. Next to the K+K Opera Hotel. Pretty stunning looking from the pictures. That would put you at the side door of the opera house and closer to Andrassy ut and closer to a metro stop on Andrassy ut than the one on Nagymező utca. I promise you this, in the evening, after the sun has set, if you walk to Andrassy ut near this apartment you will find it hard to imagine a more city location.

That end of Revy utca is fairly quiet. You will be taking a short walk from your flat to the Opera and then turning to Andrassy ut. Maybe 3 minutes. The metro is in front of the opera. On the street on the opposite side of the Opera (a very short walk around the building) you will find an area that has recently developed into restaurants and cafes. It really very lovely.

The Apartment Mahler is on Mozsár u. which is the side street to the Budapest Operett theater and intersects Nagymező utca. The flat is about 150m from Nagymező utca which is good because it is this end of Nagymező utca where a number of nice restaurants is located. A tiny bit further to Andrassy ut, but a sweet walk past the front of the gorgeous old Budapest Operett theater. Like the one you found on Nagymező utca, the metro stop is a bit further away (maybe a 4 minute walk), but its closer to the Oktogon where you get the 4/6 Tram (and there is a M1 stop there too). You will use the M1 and the 4/6 tram often.

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21551 posts

Almost forgot the last one that TTM posted. It is on Paulay Ede utca, which is a quiet little street that runs parallel to Andrassy ut. You are at the end where one of my favorite places to eat is located and you are very close to a M1 stop on Andrassy ut, Deak Ferenc ter (main metro station). In the evenings you may find yourself walking towards the Opera for the atmosphere because this really is a quiet street. Also, if it iinterest you, get the addresss. Right now there is a building being renovatd and one being constructed on the street and I want to make sure its far from that. Wait, I said it was a quiet street, well, it was until last year, but the lower half still is.

This will show you where the 4 apartments are located. Pretty hard to do wrong location wise with any of them. So pick the one that makes you the happiest.

And I would try and get some other opinions on these and other flats. My problem with helping is twofold. One I dont rent places in town and two, maybe I have spent too much time here and I am loosing some of the freshness of observation. TexasTravelMom corrects me, rightfully, all of the time.

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6 posts

We stayed on Buda side . Tram and metro were close by . I liked the Buda side better honestly and one can get to pest either walking down the bridge or metro in 10 min. There were restaurants and cafe but things overall close early by 9 pm in most places , even Pest side . It’s not a 24 hr city like nyc.

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5074 posts

I need to try staying in Buda some time. I always think that but never do…..

However my experience with restaurants is a little different. I did a quick check on about 30 that I have either tried or are on my next time list and they stay open with a range of 10pm - midnight ( with the most common being 11pm) on the Pest side. Some close at 10 several nights a week but stay open till 11 or 12 other nights. I only checked a few in Buda. Past 10 or 11 and I am in bed - lol!

springtrip24 is absolutely right, though, that other than some bars (District VII, looking at you), it’s not a 24 hour city like New York.

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8 posts

Thank you for all of the responses. We found and AirBnb on Liszt Ferenc square, right next to the Music Academy. The little park looks very nice and we are hoping we will enjoy our stay. Will update!!

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21551 posts

clarpea, you did well. Its a pretty area and not far from the M1 metro. There are a number of restaurants in the square (ter), but they are not among the best (a bit too touristy), but you are not far from a lot of good stuff.

If you have time, do take the tour of the Liszt Academy. Its one of the loveliest best kept secrets in town. If you can have the 20 year old baby sit one evening, then go for a performance. There are two free concerts in September: and you get to experience the Great Hall.

The green area in Franz List ter really isnt a park for play or for much interaction. But, if you walk through the green to Andrassy ut, then cross Andrassy ut you will be in Jokai ter which does have a lovely quiet park that was recostructed about a year ago. Maybe a 4 minute walk from the Liszt Academy, so probalby closer to your flat.

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21551 posts

I just re-read your original post. You dont want to be i the center of the nightlife. Franz List ter is a night life scene. Not terrible but both sides are lined with restaurants and bars. But this is District VI and for the most part, everything in District VI must close at midnight and many close at 11pm.

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8 posts

Thank you Mister E. I think we are ok with some nightlife happening around us just wanted to avoid a very crowded very late scene. If things are closing by 11 or midnight I think we will be ok. I am curious after what you said if there are less touristy restauraunts within walking distance for us you might recommend? Or even a restaurant that is slightly touristy but also very good (haha!).

I am checking the programming at the Liszt Academy now. It really feels nice to have such detailed recommendations for our stay, and I hope other travelers will also benefit from this information. Kosz!

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21551 posts

I will PM you a list of my favorite restaurants. This is a walking town, you can walk to all of them. You are staying in District VI, my favorite and where I live. Again, good choice.

But do be sure you get travel cards for tge family as the metro and trams are efficient and fun even for the kids.

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8 posts

Hello to the very helpful Mr E (and others). We are arriving for our week in Budapest and I wanted to ask again about those favorite restaurants of yours. We are staying near Liszt Ferenc Ter. Köszönöm!

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48 posts

I’ll be in Budapest for the first time @ the end of October on a solo holiday
does anyone have first hand experience with the CASATI hotel? I believe it was this hotel that was referred to as in a quirky area in some thread on this site
I’m having difficulty imagining how this city flows
Any other hidden gems of hotels please share

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21551 posts

I’m having difficulty imagining how this city flows

Thats a good comment and useful to understand. Its pretty easy.

Pull out a map.

  1. ANDRASSY UT Find Andrassy ut (ut = avenue). Draw a line from one end to the other, but then extend the line straight to the River. Thats one axis of tourism under which the M1 metro runs. This one intersects the next three wich is one of the reasons why its a good place to stay.
  2. THE INNER LOOP Look for a great curved street called Karoly krt that becomes Múzeum krt that becomes Vámház krt before crossing the Danube to Buda. Thats another axis of tourism along which the 47/49 Tram runs.
  3. THE RIVER FRONT Locate the Great Market Hall and the Parliament Budilding. Connecting them is the 2/2B/23 Tram and that is also a an axis of tourism.
  4. THE OUTER LOOP Locate a street called Szent István krt. that becomes Teréz krt, that becomes Erzsébet krt. Also an axis of tourism and the route of the 4/6 Tram.
  5. BUDA The Buda Castle District. Not so much a an axis as a dot.
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8 posts

Hi All - I just wanted to pop on and say one thing about transport in Budapest. GET YOURSELF A TICKET FOR UNLIMITED TRAVEL FOR THE LENGTH OF YOUR STAY. I believe you will need to find a metro station with an attendant to purchase them. We initially bought individual tickets via the Budapest GO app. Trying to get used to a new metro/tram system and didn't realize tickets could not be validated on the tram but MUST be validated outside. There are 4 of us. Somehow I managed to validate one of the tickets but we didn't want to miss our tram so the 4 of us get on. I am looking around for how to validate. My partner sees someone who looks like they work for the train so he signals for him hoping he can help. Nope. He said we were 4 people riding but only one ticket was validated, so he smacked us with a $100 fine (30 Euros for each unvalidated passenger), payable on the spot. No sympathy for our situation, thought I thought it was very obvious we were trying to do the right thing and just confused tourists. It really left a sour feeling lingering. After that we purchased unlimited travel passes (which were checked several times). I will say that the metro and tram and bus system is really great and easy to navigate, just do NOT make our mistake.