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Budapest--Intercontinental vs Crowne Plaza

Time to use up some IHG points.

My choice is either the Intercontinental or the Crowne Plaza. Suggestions? Pros? Cons?

Number of points needed is close for each.

The last time I was in Budapest I stayed at the Hotel Moments. I'd definitely go back but I'm trying to save some money,

Posted by
21551 posts

Unless there is another that I dont know about, the Crown Plaza is in the West End Shopping Mall adjancent to Nyugati Station. While everyone should see the Nyugati Underground (and you would if you stayed there cause you will use the Metro a lot) I can not think of a redeming value of staying there. Not close to much, not much in the character of Budapest in general. Ive looked in the lobby from the mall doors and it looked clean .... otherwise ..... oh, my Pilates class is in a Eiffel designed building across the street .....

The interncontinental is on the river. Its a beautiful location, although a lot of tourists, and a short walk to the M1 and the 2 Tram.

But if its free..... why not..... at least you are in Budapest (again),19.0574592,3a,75y,100.54h,91.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suu1OWt-iRXPtTsjFV1Hulw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu

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10519 posts

No question, James is right. Stay at the Intercon for the views. There is nothing like staying in a river hotel in Budapest.

Posted by
21551 posts

Let me add something. I tend to be narrow minded. This is a repeat trip. Maybe you've done the standard tourist fare and you want to see a different side of the city?

The Crown Plaza is not far from the M3 in the Nyugati Underground. And that same underground has a corridor that leads to the 4/6 Tram. The 9 Bus might stop out front (I need to check that, but at worse it's a few minutes walk).

You will get to see the city from a new perspective and the connections to the familiar are not bad.

The architecture, culture, daily life at that end of things is consistent with Budapest as a whole.

Posted by
16796 posts

Unfortunately, during my last trip I got sick and spent most of it in the hotel. So, a repeat trip yes, but first time to many sights.

I'm now thinking of going back to the Hotel Moments over the Intercontinental. It seems to be a better location for most things including non-touristy restaurants.

Hotel Moments was very quiet and I've been reading about noise at the Intercontinental coming off bars and the river.

I like quiet.

Posted by
21551 posts

It's hard to beat Andrassy ut, and if you have read any of my suggestions you know I think District VI is the place to be.

I say the Intercontinental or Marriott for people only staying one or two nights cause the river front is all they will have time for and it's stunning.

I am surprised about the noise complaints. Not many bars near the hotel and the ones that are there close at midnight. A tourist zone, yes, a party zone, not really.

Posted by
16796 posts

I'm looking at 5-6 nights so I may just stay at the Moments.

I was also considering the Adina as I like the chain but it's too far out for my liking.

Posted by
21551 posts

Yes, the Adina is in XIII which really makes no sense for a tourist. If someone wanted to get away from tourists all you have to do is walk up a side street in any District

If you want cheaper, look along Andrassy outside of the Oktogon intersection. Sure far out, but on the most beautiful street in the city with the M1 directly below it.

Frank since you didn't get out last time, andrassy ut has 3 characters. Lower: Shopping. Mid: Beautiful old apartment Blocks, Upper: old mansions many now Embassies.