We'll be driving to Budapest from Romania with our three tweens in mid-June. We're only staying 2 nights/2 days. Staying in an apartment on Prater utca. What are your must-sees for a family traveling with kids? How about best times of day to book any necessary site reservations? Restaurant recommendations would be great too! Finally, is there an easy way to track down ancestry records? Thanks and looking forward to seeing you!
Here are some ideas
I've seen or done most everything on the list and it's all 8nteresting for mom and dad too.
But with only 2 days?
I have a friend that lives on Jokai ter, and while I have been over there often, I never noticed a tea house. I am assuming they mean the Jokai ter in VI. It doesn't help visitors when the same street name can exist in different districts. I've had a few people and up in the wrong part of town when looking for me.
Thank you so much, everyone! Love the list of 19 things to do too! Yes, I wish we had more than only 2 days. I'm sure we'll come back in a few years. I've heard such great things about Budapest and Hungary!
Oh, by the way, the place you are staying.... be aware that its in sort of a dodgy part of town; and not very close to anything of great interest.
If you are at the lower end of the street you will be close to a metro stop and a tram which will get you to most of what you want to see in 30 min to an hour.