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21591 posts

September 3 - 14
Jewish Cultural Festival

September 20
Kertesi Ingrid Bel Canto Estje - In Memoriam by Luciano Pavarotti
Liszt Academy of Music,
1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8.
The unforgettable star of the opera, the legendary Luciano Pavarotti, has left us for 10 years. In honor of this anniversary, we are reminded of this great artist this evening in conjunction with a series of concerts in many countries around the world.

Sarah Brightman - Royal Christmas Gala
Budapest Sports Arena
The European tour will stop in Royal Gala Christmas concert special on 20 December 2017 at the Arena Sarah Brightman. One of the best and most successful action sopranos of the world's most exciting and promises to be one of the most impressive performances of the Christmas period. Brightman will be traditional Christmas songs to orchestral accompaniment with the Gregorian vocal and numerous guest star.

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475 posts

Kudos to Budapest for hosting JudoWorldChampionship2017!
The opening ceremony looked nice, and the venue looks good (there seems to be a decent-sized crowd).

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77 posts

the candlelight express looks fun! my husband will arrive by then too! what do you think of it? totally touristy or fun? is it black tie? my husband will arrive in shorts LOL - he won't expect that I chose a cold weather country for the surprise! hahaaha

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21591 posts

I haven't done. Keep meaning to, but the timing never works out. I don't expect it is too touristy. I have never seen it in a guide book or heard anyone talk about it. I noticed a few years ago that some of the trips are shown only on their Magyar web page and not on the English web page. Its one of those i want to do.

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21591 posts

Before you do it, do a dry run to platform 9 at Nyugati. You can tie it into a trip to Falk Miska u. or the Parliament or Margaret Island (a bit cold on the island in November). Interesting end of town. Visit the underground at Nyugati if you want to visit the twilight zone.

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77 posts

What the heck - I am there 3 weeks. I will do it and let you know. I got the orient express dining car! Only - I have reservation - but it says you can only pay in cash - so hoping I really have a reservation. I am sure it is ridiculous and touristy - but so what.

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77 posts

MY husband is on a spiritual journey - he is walking from le puy france to santiago de compostela spain. It is 973 miles. He just retired from a stressful career of 21 years and is deciding what to do for the next career. It should take 2 months and then I picked a country and don't tell him where we are meeting until he is done.

It had to be a country that he would not expect me to pick and that I would love in case half the vacation is spent alone. Before I got onto the central europe area, i was looking at Azores and also Sardinia. Before he left, I started studying hungarian and hiding portugese things around the house. I am pretty sure he thinks we are going to portugal ;)

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21591 posts

The Hungarian Railway History Park is pretty fascinating if you are into such things, and it’s only a 15 minute trip from Hero’s Square. Closed on Monday.
If you take a taxi use this address: Budapest, Tatai u. 95, 1142 Hungary; but for a more interesting trip, take public transportation:
Take the M1 metro line to Hősök Tere (Heroes' Square) and exit the metro station. When boarding the M1 you will want to look for Mexikói út as this is the end stop for the line if you are heading towards Hősök Tere
At the top of the metro line stairs, walk to your left and cross Andrassy ut.,19.0771418,3a,75y,287.1h,94.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0OdEIT_iyYxMR97GlrCIVg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Continue down Dózsa György út (street) until you have passed Hero’s Square. Use the first available cross walk to reach the other side of Dózsa György út,,19.0766004,3a,18.6y,328.55h,91.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snXieDMLJXIKsQql1xmjX5Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
and continue walking down Dózsa György út until you reach the bus stop at the south west side of the Museum of Fine Arts.,19.076015,3a,75y,347.64h,96.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0yD-sVulJ1G4nHh7JWCL6A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Board either the 30 or 30A bus and ride it for 10 minutes (7 stops) to the Rokolya utca stop.
If you are concerned about missing your stop, look for the building with the balconies on the left, your stop is in front of the orange building on the right,19.0917349,3a,55.7y,16.59h,89.34t/am=t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgwvA9jJXrNkdm2n_V7HFFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Here is your stop,19.0919262,3a,40.7y,70.79h,95.6t/am=t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sogCh7hLAJNP4rqR2RPLiCg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Walk to the end of the block, turn right on Dolmány utca and go down Dolmány utca until you reach the museum.,19.0928018,3a,75y,105.71h,91.58t/am=t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOQG_84EhYrxIk6aMg1-qBQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656