Hey it's me again. :) Currently looking at Sept 17-22 for two people. We need a lift if not ground or first floor. Looking at all the typical sites and locations. I had a quick look at the conversation with Kiwikim as well. Budapest apartment service isn't loading for me, I'll keep trying.
I've been watching for registration numbers and I think all of these have them.
This is the first one I've found that I like. I don't like that there are very few reviews, but the guy has three nice-looking flats in the same building, and I always only book refundable on AirBnB, so if the reviews go south in the coming months, I'm not stuck. Anyway--what do you think of the location? https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/1020946303178211269?check_in=2024-09-17&check_out=2024-09-22&guests=2&adults=2&s=67&unique_share_id=822bcbd5-f071-4a80-9eb5-0eda5161374d
This one doesn't have a lift but the apartment is on the first floor, which is probably doable if the stars align otherwise. Location is near Opera House? https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/935310023970813725?check_in=2024-09-17&check_out=2024-09-22&adults=2&children=0&infants=0&source_impression_id=p3_1705951799_TxiUrIELUlTBJZ8w
This one looks like it's further from the main sites, but the reviews mention location favourably. https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/20671773?adults=2&location=Budapest%2C%20%2C%20Hungary&check_in=2024-09-17&check_out=2024-09-22&source_impression_id=p3_1705951916_O3PF%2Fb2x9vyg5Bw3&previous_page_section_name=1001&federated_search_id=6275fde3-123a-4c14-82e0-9910c102ddef
I had a quick look for places near the Great Market, which I recall fondly, but honestly can't remember how hard it was to get to--but I haven't found anything that fits our budget while not looking otherwise unsuitable. (Looking for about €100 per night, all in.)
Those are my results so far. Would love your thoughts.