Seeking information and guidance on dining in Budapest.
How prevalent are restaurant scams in Budapest?
(e.g., forcing customers to pay excessive unadvertised prices; menu does not list prices; placing items on the check that were not ordered or not served; check is unclear but restaurant demands customer pay the total; restaurant staff pretends to not understand English in a dispute.)
How are restaurant scams best avoided? When a restaurant scam becomes apparent, what is the best response?
Are the following establishments reputable? Csengery, BITE Bakery, Muvesz Coffee House, Twentysix, Mosselin Belgian Beer Cafe, Urban Betyar, LEVES, Duran Szendvics, Cafe Gerbeaud, Central Cafe, Walzer Cafe, Ruzzwurm Cukraszda Cafe, Coyote Coffee and Deli, Budavari Retesvar, Kedves Krem, Hadik Kavehaz, 21 Magyar Vendeglo, Elso Pesti Reteshaz, Hungarikum Bisztro, Cafe Csiga, New York Cafe, Fakanal Etterem, Getto Gulyas, Retro Langos, and La Nube,
The travel party will be six (5 adults and 1 teenager).