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5 Adults Budapest

ISO hotel with large room or 2 bed apartment for a short stay 3 nights in Budapest. Air conditioning, internet and a quiet neighborhood. Looking for review of someone who has stayed in the past 12 months. TIA

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1127 posts

Hi there, if you post your topic under Hungary, rather than in Hungary Reviews, you will be many more replies, especially from Mr E.....

Posted by
5094 posts

Another forum member, who may or may not see your post, stayed here last year for a week and said she enjoyed it. I have not seen it nor know location exactly, so can’t help there.

For a short stay, I might follow Mr. É’s recommendation - location is probably good. I generally stay in something too small for your needs.

Posted by
21691 posts

TTM, I remember that one. Took me a minute. Its on a side street beteen Paualy Ede and Kiraly utca. So, its close to Andrassy ut, and to the Party District. The Gozsdu Courtyard is right at the end of the street.

The door in the listing photos:

The door on Google Street View,19.057755,3a,75y,54.39h,90.24t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s4PYxKTatZ_0DwmjbHgaIwQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&coh=205410&entry=ttu

Its a 40's / 50's "modern" looking building and the interior looks lovely. I am a little more partial to a location closer to the Opera, but you cant do wrong with this either.

TTM, why didnt you put it on the thread WHEN I WAS ASKING ......

Posted by
5094 posts

TTM, why didnt you put it on the thread WHEN I WAS ASKING ......

Because I haven’t stayed there!

Posted by
36 posts

TTM: beautiful listing. Thank you! Max 4 adults. Mr E and I have conversed in the past. My adult children are thinking Marriott Budapest. Not sure if they realize 400 Euros per room per night.

Posted by
21691 posts

The Marriott works best for a romantic 2 night stay for two. For your needs, I would stay out of District V.

The one TTM found is very good location.

If the kids are grown and planning on ditching mom and dad in the evening they will like it too.