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traveling crete, greece with milk allergy

HI, I will be visiting crete this summer with my son who has a life thretening allery to milk and all milk products.
I wonder if someone can tell me in this forum if usually the bread in greece contain butter or milk?
also usually french fries are made with butter?
also any other tips would be highly appriciated. tks :)

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404 posts

There are a lot of dishes containing feta and other types of cheese made from goat and sheep milk. Is he allergic to just cow products or products made from all animals giving milk?

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11858 posts

Please specify if the allergies are only to cow’s milk or all milks such as goat, sheep.

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2 posts

Thank you! The allergy is to all animal milk.. cow goat sheep ect.

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404 posts

My experience in this area can't compare to yours, but I think I would have the information about the allergy in written form, in Greek, so I could provide that to the waitstaff to avoid misunderstanding. We had a few situations ordering a meal in Greece where we were not 100% understood, which was fine; in this case is seems there is much less room for error.

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3447 posts

Shire, did you consider going to Google? That is always my first stop! Here is a Trip Advisor thread from 2015 with your identical question, -- but you need not read it all. many helpful suggestion but hands-down BEST is from "Yiassas" (actually a friend of mine, a British ex-pat who lives in Athens); she provides a website where you can get an allergy Translation card that you can use in restaurants in foreign countries... this would be useful on countries besides greece.

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1078 posts

Some opinions say, in general, human beings are not supposed to consume dairy - milk in general is bad for you. What if you bought all your food at grocery stores? Can you learn the greek phrase that means something like, “I can’t have milk”, or “I will die if I have any dairy”? or “I am super alergic to all milk”?

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1078 posts

Janet is right. Buy the Greek allergy translation cards. And learn the Greek words for dairy/casin/ milk, in case you are buying packaged items with ingredient lists... give an allergy card to the employee if you want to try buying prepared food from a deli counter or market.... or if buying some packaged foods, give the store employees an allergy card and make sure he or she sees you pointing to the food you are not sure about. In general I am not a fan of fancy restaurants unless I am with other people and the restaurant is our only option, although I know I am an anomality - I am not officially alerigic to anything but I worry that prepared foods have too much fat, sodium, or are otherwise unhealthy and my great grandfather with my same last name had a heart attack and died when he was 39.

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2718 posts

I travel with food allergies. Not milk but plenty of others. Here are the things I do to protect myself:
1) I do carry a card that says: I am allergic to corn. If I eat it, I will need to go the the hospital because my throat will swell. For serious language barrier countries, I also cut out pictures of corn products and tape them to an index card and "X" them all out in red.
2) I carry two Epi-Pens
3) I carry a LOT of Benadryl as it's not always readily available. Not sure for Greece but it's not even sold in Italy.
4) I take a daily Zyrtec as it gives me a little bit of protection
5) I try to rent apartments so I can buy my food in a grocery store.
6) I spend a lot of time trying to read the labels in the stores and it usually works out.

7) I pack a fair amount of food from home for those times I just can't find something to eat.

I seem to recall that feta cheese is sprinkled on the fries a lot in Greece, just FYI

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186 posts

Generally, there is no milk or butter used in making bread.

Olive oil (sauteeing)and vegetable oil (frying/grilling) are primarily used for meat and vegetables rather than butter. It is just not practical to use in such a warm climate, so you should be safe.

The good thing is in Greece, most food is made from scratch, so people will know and can adjust if do not want dairy. There is not a lot of processed, pre-made foods unless you are going to a fast food place.
If you order pasta, be sure to specify no butter just in case it is used to keep them from sticking together.
Gyros typically come with tzaziki sauce (made with yogurt) so be sure to say you do not want any.
Salads, grilled meat, grilled vegetables, seafood will be your go tos.
For dessert, look for candied fruits in syrup.
For breakfast, breads with jam, honey, and fruit.