Frank is right about Metro -- I think it is about €1.8 ticket. DO be aware that pickpockets target this run, because of so many US tourists traveling who are often "public transportation virgins" ... they keep money & valuables in pockets, or in backpacks ON their backs. Just be aware... either use a security "pouch" (hangs around neck, under one's shirt) or Money belt (which I don't like), OR carry in your Zipped Daybag w. hand on zipper. Just be prudent; I've done this trip probably dozens of times without incident, but I'm a vet of the NYC, Chicago and Philly Metros. When u emerge from Metro Terminal, your Ferry to Crete will be either at Pier 2, 3, or 4 -- see this map: Find out ahead of time. If it seems too far to walk pulling luggage, a taxi for 3 should not break the bank.