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Four days in October... how to make everybody happy?

A few friends and I have a conference in Athens in early October and four full days afterward to explore (not much!). One wants to see sites like Eleusis, Delphi, and Epidaurus. The other would prefer an island, somewhere like Serifos or Paros. There's probably not time to do both?

I thought maybe we should take the bus to Nafplio, have a little beach time and take a day trip to Epidaurus, but wondered if any other suggestions for ways to make everybody happy. Would it be crazy to go from Athens to Paros or Serifos for two nights, then to Nafplio for two nights?

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2176 posts

No matter where you go, Nafplio or Serifos or Paros it will be difficult to enjoy it in just 3 days.

If the travel days are included in these 3 days you will basically only have two half days and one full day.

Going to Serifos or Paros for such a short time is not really interesting, you could just as well go to any other island, you will not see much difference compared to any place by the sea on the mainland. Except that you will have to go to Piraeus and travel hours by ferry

Nafplio would be the best option that combines historical city, archaeological site and beaches nearby provided you have a rental car to optimize your travel and visits.

I would add that in 3 days you can also see and do a lot of things in Athens.

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1422 posts

The nice thing about choosing Nafplio is it feels like an island. Its directly on the sea. It has a lovely old town area. Its a great destination for a few nights. Its only a couple of hours from Athens with regular KTEL bus service if you do not rent a car.. There are several ancient sites nearby as well.
Here are a few images.
Nafplio 2024

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6713 posts

Nafplio is a great place to spend some non-Athens time. We also took a boat ride from nearby Tolo to Hydra, Paros, and another island (I think Spetsos?), a long day with beautiful waterscapes but limited time on each island. If that's still an option your island-loving friends might take it and your ancient-sites loving friends could visit Epidavros, Mycenae, and/or Nemea.

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3388 posts

All the "vets" agree (including me.... Nafplio & surroundings is your very best bet, because it truly will have something for everyone... the drive there & back has great stops along the way... on a peninsula it's surrounded by water, so gets the island feel... ... and you have ancient sites galore to choose from. Stanbr's pix are a great start, and here's my fave online map to show your route & highlights- -- (click & it gets huuuge & you navigate around with side-slides).

The easiest thing probably is car rental (& for 4, no more than 4 bus fares & much more useful onsite); jump in a car-service (about €42 flat-fee to airport, 45 mins) pop into car & drive on Modern divided highway much of the way... avoids city entirely, need not even tap brakes until Corinth. Here are a few Highlights going, returning and when around Nafplio --
• CORINTH CANAL -- Either outbound or inbound, pop off highway at Isthmus for 15-20 minutes, just to see and photograph this really skinnny really deeep wonder.
• ANCIENT NEMEA -- outbound, 15 miles or so after canal, just off highway to your right -- a short stop for this "Sacred Games" site (runner-up to Olympia) with super stadium... today Greeks have a "revived Games" every 4 yrs; thrilling & u can enjoy in an hour.
• NAFPLIO itself - Considered most beautiful Old Town in All of GReece -- if u r lucky u can book Hotel Agamemnon, BEST locale right on seafront, if not, Omorfo Poli nearby is v charming. Parking is free right at waterside. Wandering town deserves at least half a day, and its seafront cafe promenade is front row seat for sunsets more glorious than Santorini. The "town beach" Arvanita is a lot of fun, on other side of the Massive town heights... or u could drive 15 mins to TOLO. As for mighty Palamidi, instead of 999 steps up, drive around the back;.. it's a MUST, for the view! if any in group insist, they can walk the steps Down.
• TIRYNS -- many people devote 5-6 hours to Mycenae, but if you want a mighty Bronze Age Fortress with less time/effort, TIRYNS is just 15 minutes outside Nafplio... no museum, but same Huge Boulder Structure, very impressive. You'll be only ones there!
• EPIDAURUS -- you don't have to go there, then backtrack to your Nafplio hotel... Take look at Map -- you can visitt on your drive BACK to Athens area. After checkout ono final day, drive EAST across "thumb" of Peloponnese to This Famous Site. It museum is meh, & acres of ruins are confusing but Theater is THE star,... and it's Stunning. On leaving keep driving East to seaside.. you can stop for lunch (maybe a swim?) going up shore road to ISTHMUS (and canal) where you join the big highway. Only precaution -- be sure to turn LEFT at Elefsina (see map) to that Bypass to Airport, to avoid horrendous truck-route into Central Athens.

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3388 posts

A PS on other worthwhile items on wish-list of that Classics enthusiast ... Delplhi is great but looong drive, very long day as a 1-day effort, should stay 1 night -- save it for 2nd trip; also benefits from licensed guide. As for Eleusis ... revered for its history of mystery and links to womankind -- maybe not for a first trip or for everyone. It's at that Elefsina Juncture on map, in midst of ugly industrial sites... very limited ruins hard to interpret -- best for ancient-history buffs who've studied up extensively, have good maps & imagination.

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1199 posts

If you want an island experience that has just about everything a Greek Island has to offer and is quick to get to is Aegina.

It has one of the best preserved temples in Greece, an abandoned Byzantine Village in the Hills, aka The Mystras of the Aegean, lovely beaches, nice main town, seaside villages and is the Pistachio Capital of Greece.

You can take a regular ferry and get there in 1 1/2 hours or the "fast" ferry in less than an hour.

It would be perfect for the time you have.

Nothing wrong with Nafplio also.