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Taxi Service in Mykonos

Is the taxi service reliable in Mykonos? Do they have set prices or charge by time/distance? We're trying to decide if the cost of transporation to Rizes farm/restaurant would make the tour and meal cost prohibitive. Thank you.

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3149 posts

If you're able to drive I can guarantee that you will spend less on a rental than on 2 taxis.

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The Points Guy says that on his most recent trip (last week) to Mykonos he found that Uber was available, and that was good news because taxis are unreliable there.

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2597 posts

Since 2018 and following protests by taxi drivers Uber has stopped its activities in Greece.

You can still use the Uber application but you will get a professional licensed drivers, ie either an official taxi or a professional driver approved by the authorities. If not, the driver is in violation of Greek law and you enter the car at your own risk.