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Taxi or Metro from train station to ATH?

What's the quickest method to get from the central Athens train station (Larissa) out to the airport. We'll be arriving at the train station late morning on a Wednesday. Are we better off getting a taxi, or taking the metro to get there as quickly as possible?

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3149 posts

From the Larissa Station you'll need to take the Red LIne Metro to Syntagma Square and transfer to the Blue Line Metro to the airport. If time is an issue take a taxi for €35.

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1152 posts

I think you would be better off taking Proastiakos (regional train) from Larissa Station to Airport. Proastiakos is direct (no connection in a crowded station); and the trains will be less crowded than Metro.

Here is a link: Look at the Pireaus - Athens - Athens Intl Airport line. On the timetable, Larissa Station is marked as "Athens." It's 45 minutes to the airport.

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3149 posts

Globug17's recommendation makes good sense. I forgot about the suburban railway. If it only takes 45 minutes that would be the fastest way to get there.

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1152 posts

Everyone forgets about Proastiakos, but its a really good service. I don't think its marketed very well to tourists and not on most transit maps.

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30 posts

Thanks everyone! After looking at when we arrive and the next suburban train option, we’re going with the taxi. There’s a delay of 40 minutes between arrival and departure. Really appreciate the info!