No more than €15-18.
Please note for the future that, as is considered the norm with web etiquette, writing in all capital letters is considered screaming/yelling at someone. Thank you for being mindful of this in the future.
Enjoy your trip,
RS Webmaster
Ridiculous in this benign context. There is obviously no insult, hostility or aggressiveness implied. What's next, only certain fonts will be tolerated?
Thank you Webmaster for your suggestion about using capital letters in posts. Your input like this is helpful for newer users and even long timers like me.
I guess I've been selling stuff on craigslist for too long.....
The Webmaster was simply doing what many here have done in the past in response to people writing in all cap's. I viewed it as simply a friendly mention to the OP, in case she wasn't aware of the etiquette concerning cap's.
And my response is still the same. Ridiculous. I don't know who started the idea in the first place that capital letters signify something hostile or rude to be corrected as an example of poor etiquette but the fact that there is even an etiquette regarding the use of caps seems to me to be the height of pretentious and snobbish silliness. I may be in the minority but it is what it is.