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Suggested pts route-Acroplis &sites

Oct 25-29 in Athens. 3 1/2 days and So much to see. Does someone reccommend their points on the walking route with the daily breakdown of going through Acropilis/Agoras/Neighborhoods? Thank you

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3396 posts

Im surprised shell, you are right on the website of the ONE travel forum that offers to do exactly what you want!! Rick Steves offers a detailed overview of ATHENS for the first-time traveler and spells it all out FREE DOWNLOADS of FOUR audio step-by-step walks -- Athens City walk, Acropolis, Ancient Agora, and Natl Arch. Museum. He also has dozens of other audios on Greek architecture, athens history. antiquities, etc. Why not look at these first, I'll bet these answer all our questions, and you can load them onto your smart-phone. We forum contributors are willing, but why re-invent the wheel? Have a wonderful visit in athens!

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3 posts

Thank you for responding. Yep, I used the Downloaded Acroplis guide and it all in Athens. Would so much love be on your actual trip but hey, if i cant i sure want to thank you for sharing your knowledge. From one Happy Visiter to Athens MANY THANKS!

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3396 posts

Not sure what you mean by MY actual trip, I am not Rick steves (!!) .... but his downloads not only cover the acropolis but a walk around historic area of central athens.

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3 posts

Ricksteves community gave wonderful info.
Yes a trip with him would be swell
The assistance was well taken.
Athens is a wonderful place, people are warm and helpful.