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Success in getting hotel refund from Acropolis Select in Athens Greece?

Has anyone had success in getting a refund processed for Acropolis Select, Athens hotel booking (night before tour booking) canceled due to the tour cancellation? I inquired with them when the trip was canceled and they did respond to me via email stating that they can’t process anything until late August, but a little uneasy about that response. I’m hoping I’m just being paranoid from another associated negative experience and they’ll eventually provide a refund. Any experiences from someone else? Regards

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16757 posts

Bryan, a little more info might be helpful.

When was your tour? They may be refunding based on order of bookings. For instance, they may be taking care of July and early August booking refunds first. They also may need the income from bookings from Europeans and other citizens able to travel to Greece in July/August be able to afford refunds for tourists who can't.

But if they told you late August, I'd just sit tight until then. Sounds like it was for only one night?

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10 posts

Yes, it was for one night associated with an early June tour. I communicated with them as quickly as the tour was canceled. Your points are good and they have responded, so that instills confidence. The dates communicated for when they would provide a refund moved from June to July, then to late August, so I was curious if anyone else had pursued a refund during this time frame. Thanks for the comment.

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2739 posts

OK, but you pre-paid? Most reservations require a credit card to hold the room but it’s usually not charged unless you are a no-show. Usually only non-refundable rates must be pre-paid. I’ve booked many before and after rooms associated with RS tours, never pre-paid as I did not want a non-refundable rate. Stayed at the Acropolis Select, a nice place, but can’t help you here, sorry.

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10 posts

This wasn’t booked via a website. I conversed with them and they booked it using what they called the “rate associated with a Rick Steve’s tour”. It said nothing about non refundable. I didn’t expect the charge to hit until I arrived, but it did hit my card. I guess I should have put a hold on the charge at that time. To trusting perhaps. With this in mind, I think it would be nice if the Rick Steve’s would allow for an option to select a “night before” lodging at the facility they’ve selected as part of their tour. This would help avoid situations like this.

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16757 posts

I think it would be nice if the Rick Steve’s would allow for an option
to select a “night before” lodging at the facility they’ve selected as
part of their tour. This would help avoid situations like this.

Bryan, pretty sure hotel booking policies for non-tour stays are not up to Rick and Co. Hotels the tours use might not want to hold rooms that could go empty should tour participants not book them. It might make sense that they'd prefer to book on a first come, first served basis, especially when charging standard rates.

We do see posts from folks who find the tour hotels fully booked when trying to reserve for pre or post-tour stays, often months in advance. Even if they can accommodate tour participants, not all of them extend discounted rates for stays before or after the tours. Anyway, I'd sit tight for now and let us know how it all turns out for you.

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10 posts

That makes sense. I assumed a large number of people that were scheduled for that tour date would secure lodging in the Acropolis and curious if anyone else had experience in getting a refund. I booked directly with them and remember being informed they do bill for the first night at the time of booking. I probably just don’t know enough about what is happening in Athens right now as it seems to be open for business, but they’ve indicated to me they won’t be open until August 27. Do you know if Rick Steves will be using the Acropolis as associated with the 2021 tours? Thanks for your helpful comments.

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12118 posts

Do you know if Rick Steves will be using the Acropolis as associated with the 2021 tours?

I have no way to know ( assuming tours resume next year), I would expect it would remain a choice. I have heard others report they stayed at some other hotel on the Tour.
It is well located, has a friendly staff and nice rooms, so I see no reason it would not remain a choice. But it is not necessarily the only choice

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10 posts

Well, I misunderstood. I thought Rick Steve’s tour selected the lodging once the tour started. That is the way my Greece tour was set up. That could get complicated with tour members staying at various lodging over the tour.......don’t see how it would work.

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2739 posts

No you are correct. On each stop the tour hotel is chosen by RSE. While on tour that is where you stay. Before and after you are on your own. Which hotel you’ll stay at is often not known until a few months before the tour.

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12118 posts

All members of a "tour" will be in the same hotel.

What I was trying to convey is that a 'tour' that is in Athens on for the nights of May 2nd and 3rd, may be in hotel "A", while the tour that is in Athens on May 15 and 16th may be at hotel "B".

Hopefully I have clarified?

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44 posts

I stayed at the Acropolis Select a few years ago on a RS tour. I also stayed the night before the tour and was not charged until I checked out the day the tour left Athens. If you don't get a refund, I would contact the Rick Steves office directly to let them know. The hotel gets a lot of business from RS and I'm sure they don't want to loose it. Good luck !

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10 posts

Thanks for the comment. I’ll give them them the benefit of the doubt, waiting until the last timeline provided (late August) before pursing other actions.

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108 posts

Hi Bryan, I am not sure what is going on in your case, I can only tell you my experience. I was scheduled for the RS Athens & the Heart of Greece Tour beginning June 8th, which began and ended at the Acropolis Select Hotel.

In early January I contracted them directly, via email, to make reservations for two days before and after the tour. I was also given the “special price for Rick Steves joiners” and while they required my credit card information no prepayment was required. Further, my confirmation email stated “moreover, you are able to cancel your reservation without cancellation fees until 7 days before arrival, otherwise you will be charged for the first night, as per our cancellation policy. Kindly note that the first night will be charged as a prepayment of the reservation 6 days before arrival.”

Upon learning that my tour had been cancelled in April I immediately emailed the Hotel requesting that my reservations be cancelled. They responded that they “understand this difficult situation, so we will cancel your reservation, without cancellation fees.” They have not made any charges to my credit card

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10 posts

That is very curious. Although, I didn’t think they would charge to my card until the stay, they made the charge at that time (February 11). I didn’t think much about it for a first night charge and being associated with the tour. When I canceled (as quickly as the Rick Steve’s tour cancellation was announced) they said they would not refund until June, which became July, which became late August. I may inquire directly with them about the difference in handling and why I must continue to wait. Thank you for the comment.

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108 posts

I should have added that they did say "We would like to inform you that in order to check the validation of your credit card we charged the first night and we cancel the transaction immediately." Maybe they did this and the cancellation portion was incorrectly processed?

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10 posts

I’m adding a response I received from Acropolis Select today in order to be fair with them and anyone that might read this communication string. The representative apologized for the refund delay and assured that I would be refunded when they are able, last represented as late August. So, I’ll thank you all for your comments and just wait for it to happen. Regards

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420 posts

I received a partial refund from Aegean Airlines. First they told me it would take up to 3 months. At 3 months they told me it was taking 4 months for refunds to be credited back to credit cards. I actually got my refund in 4 months.