I get very little sleep on planes. I've gotten spoiled by our last two trips which landed in Rome and Dublin. In both cases after arrival we went to the hotel, took a long nap and showered, and then spent the afternoon walking in the sunlight. We were able to stay up until relatively late in the evening and were almost 100% the next day. Those sunny afternoon walks seem to reset my internal clock faster than anything else. For our trip to Crete and Greece, we're starting out in Columbus late morning on Thurs and arriving in Athens at 9 AM Friday, and then the best connecting flight to Crete isn't until 1 PM, arriving Crete 2 PM. That longish layover sounds awful after a nine hour flight. I know I should just keep traveling but even as I write this it is very unappealing. I spent some time researching alternatives like airport sleep rooms (none), nearby hotels (layover too short).
I'm tempted to get a hotel in Athens and do my usual nap and walk thing, and then take the overnight ferry to Crete (Iraklio). I'm willing to sacrifice some travel time (1-2 hours cumulative into central Athens and onto Pireas) for the opportunity for a good nap and walk in the sun. Seems like it would be fun to spend the afternoon strolling around Athens before boarding the ferry. I suppose we would need a well-located hotel to make this work as smoothly as possible. It seems to me that I'm making up for some of this nap luxury by traveling overnight. I know the advice on this forum is generally to suck it up and keep moving to your farthest destination. What are the pros and cons in your opinion? In early June, are the ferries and airlines about equally reliable?