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Shout out to Greece forum contributor Jolui

We recently returned from a trip to Greece. Second only to information in the Rick Steve's guide, forum member Jolui, provided such helpful, detailed, advice regarding travel in Greece. I'm not one to always ask direct questions, but I do scour forum posts to find current and relevant travel information. And for Greece, I found Jolui's numerous detailed answers, generous and informative, and wanted to say so. Thank you Jolui.

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7633 posts

Lisuza, you might want to edit the title to include Jolui's name in there so they will see it.

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2200 posts

Glad to be able to help with my experience, but let's not forget all the other posters and their personal experiences from their travels in Greece.

And above all, do not hesitate to report when advice was incorrect or out of date.

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3390 posts

Glad to add my applause for Jolui's contributions ... she has taken over much of the "heavy lifting" of transport basics from some "old hands" , with both precision and patience. And when there are hard truths to deliver (i.e., 4 isles in 6 days not possible), people seem to take it well from a French expert ... especially since she so often offers a good alernative. Viva Jolui!