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Schengen Visa

I will be traveling to Greece in mid June. I have a valid US Passport.
Do I need a Schengen Visa?

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14183 posts

No, not needed. You have 90 days allowed in the Schengen Zone which includes Greece.

This will change at some point in the future although the date is not firm, probably 2025. US passport holders will need a pre-clearance to enter the Schengen area called an ETIAS. No need to worry about that at present, though.

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15596 posts

No visa needed if your stay is less than 90 days. But make surre you have at least six months left on your passport before it expires.

Greece is part of the Schengen Area. Basically, it means you can travel visa-free for up to 90 days in a 180 day period anywhere in the Schengen Area. Not 90 days per country. 90 days total.

Schengen also allows you to travel between these countries without going through immigratioh or passport control. It's like traveling between states in the US.

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18598 posts

Michael, Tar Heel Traveler,

I believe the passport validity period for the EU countries (Greece) is 3 months after the date of your departure from Greece. But dont trust me. Probably the best thing you can do is go to: and fill out the form.

This is the same database that the airlines use when you check-in. If the IATA says you are okay, you get on the flight. If the IATA says you arent okay, the airline will not let you on the flight. Nothing else is as sure fire for making sure everything is in order for your trip.

Mr. E, Aggie Traveler.

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15596 posts

My information regarding six months of validity came from the U.S. State Department.

While Greece only requires three months, if you should make a connection in another country that has a six month rule, you won't be allowed to board the plane.

So if you enter or exit Schengen from a third country that requires six months, you won't be allowed on the plane.

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18598 posts

Good point Frank II. The US State Department says "Six months of remaining validity recommended", recommended, but not required and its a good recommendation.

But, again thats why the IATA site is good, because the form asks you where you are connecting. I am fairly sure all the Schengen if not all the EU countries are 3 month (but dont trust me, go to the IATA) I believe the UK is it only has to be good to your departure from the UK date and Turkey I believe is 6 months. Those are the two most possible transfer locations .... but again, the IATA will let you know if there is an issue. No need to guess or speculate on this one. But again, 6 months is a good recommendation, cause you never know where you may end up.

The one thing that the IATA does not consider in their review is how many blank pages you have in your passport. According to this site (which may or may not be current and accurate) all but 2 countries in the word are happy with 1 or 2 pages. I like the suggestion that you put a small sticky note on a few blank pages "please do not stamp here". Cant hurt to try. I have a few pages with one stamp and those stamps were years ago.